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Harley is a 22 year old aspiring musician. She has blue eyes and long blue hair on top that fades into black. She has snake bites, a nose ring, and size 2g gauges.
(Picture gives idea of what she looks like)

She has a little sister named Hera (pronounced Hair-a) who is 3 years old. She has a pixie haircut with blue hair. She also has blue eyes and her ears pierced.
Harley ran away from her parents house when she was 16. She dropped out of high school junior year to try and pursue a music career in Los Angeles, California. When she was 19, her parents were arrested and she became the legal guardian of her, then 6 month old, little sister. She had to put her life on hold to take care of her little sister. She had a shitty job and a shitty life. She was always rebellious and was also a little stubborn. She didn't like to play by the rules.

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