Echo and Seth had just walked into the club and had already been crushed by the hormone crazed, drunk teens; touching and being squished with one another.

"Hey!" Echo cried, when she felt someone touch her in a highly uncomfortable area. Seth turned to her, alarmed.

"What happened?" he asked his voice full of concern.

"N-nothing," Echo stuttered, feeling flushed.

They moved onto the dance floor where the jumped up and down to the beat of the music. Echo wasn't paying much time to her attention to her surroundings. She was searching for the girl with the rainbow coloured hair, the one who was able to somehow sneak her way into the club. The girl's eyes were also raking through the crowd as if looking for someone. There was something about the girl that reminded her of someone...

The thought of somehow knowing the girl or her being familiar didn't settle well with Echo's stomach. Every time the thought would occur, her stomach would stir.

"Hey," Seth said. "Are you alright?"

Echo didn't reply her eyes were still on the girl who was now talking to some boy that Echo couldn't see, his back was facing towards her, and he didn't look any different, well actually really different for the club. He stood out in just jeans and a grey shirt.

This wasn't at all unlikely. Most people would come to clubs, meet, flirt or hook up with new people all the time. But what caught Echo's attention was that the girl didn't seem at all interested in the conversation because her eyes still roamed through out the club looking for someone. She seemed pretty lost.

"Echo," Seth went on, sounding kind of whiny now.

Echo fought the urge to roll her eyes. Although Seth was now a bad boy, he still had a soft, sensible, and smart interior. He was always concerned about Echo, and constantly asked question when he felt something was wrong; he was usually right about those feelings.

The rainbow-haired girl straightened up when she made eye contact with Echo, like a predator that had just closed in on its humble prey. An idle smile slowly formed across her lips. She bent over to the boy she was talking to and whispered something in his ear, not once breaking eye contact. The boy simply nodded and left.

Echo's eyes followed the boy, confused as to what just happened. But when she snapped her eyes towards the rainbow girl, she was gone.

Echo looked again for the boy, but he seemed to disappear along the way too.

Echo was scanning the club to find the girl, who seemed quite peculiar. Her eyes landed on her retreating back that was heading towards the storage room. But the girl looked once more and motioned for someone to follow her, but the thing was she was looking in Echo's direction.

Was she talking to me, thought Echo confused, did she get the wrong impression?

She decided to ignore the girl and turned back to Seth, who was also just staring at the girl who had just walked into the door labeled "No Admittance".

"Do you know her Seth?" Echo asked.

Seth didn't answer but just started to make his way towards the door. Echo was surprised and hurt that Seth had just ignored her and walked away.

But before she could react there was loud crash in the middle of the dance floor. Echo could faintly make out that two boys were fighting. Wanting to get away she head towards the bar.

"Can I get a coke please?" She asked politely.

"And it's on me."

Echo turned to see that it was the boy that Rainbow girl had been talking to. She couldn't help but gasp slightly, he was breathtakingly beautiful. His voice was so alluring and entrancing.

"Uh, it's okay." Echo said hesitantly, not sure how to respond.

"No, no. It's fine, I mean who in their right mind would make such a pretty lady pay for her own drink." He said smirking.

She could feel her face heating up from the compliment but she knew that he was probably just saying that to get into her pants. She could see him frowning slightly as if he had heard her thoughts and was offended. But she was more shocked when he then continued.

"Just to let you know, I'm not trying to 'get in your pants'" he said, which sounded like he imitating Echo. One look at Echo's face and you could tell she was suspicious but she then felt a bit embarrassed when he admit.

"You said that out loud. You were alone so I thought I'd give you some company. You know keep those jerks who would try to get in your pants away." he joked, with a wink.

Echo laughed and then continued to think that maybe this night wouldn't be too bad. She could definitely see herself being friends with...

"I'm sorry, but I didn't introduce myself. I'm Echo, Echo Sky." She said with a smile.

"Oh, don't worry about it, neither did I. Name's York, Damien York." He joked trying to do a James Bond impression.

Echo and Damien continued to joke around and have fun. They both had launched into a conversation about whether Jacob or Edward would end up with Bella. Alread having read the series, Echo announced it would be Edward; but Damien still fought against it.

Echo was laughing loudly at something Damien had said when Seth had showed up next to her saying it was time that they left.

Echo hugged Damien who had stuffed his number into her jean pocket and muttered something in her ear making her laugh. This caused Seth to stiffen and scowl at the two.

When Echo turned to leave she saw Seth looking at them irritated. This caused her anger to resurface. How could he have just left her all alone when she was here for the first time. He had no right to look so irritated.

Echo then stalked out of the club without giving one glance at Seth.



I'm hoping to stay dedicated to this story, although i may add another story soon. I'm hoping this will actually get some reads, and i can get some feedback.

This is my first time writing in third perspetive, so I'll try my best but in case i switch to first perspective don't get mad. :P

so if you do like it, please comment (i'm open to all criticism), and hopefully, VOTE AND COMMENT! :D 

i'll make sure to edit ASAP and update!

Thanks, and hope you like! (:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2012 ⏰

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