What Makes A Man

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Akagi's POV:
(He was walking when he noticed something)
Guy: ...
Girl: what now???
Guy: I...
Girl: ???
Guy: I (breathes) like you Miyuki-san
Girl: !!! I'm sorry but I like someone else
Guy: (disappointed)
Girl: Im sor---
Guy: no don't be... (pats the girl's shoulder then walks away)
(Akagi just watch them. Then he looks at the girl)
Girl: (she just stood there)
Akagi: (thinks) If it was you Suri-chan... would you do that too??? Many years passed but still I'm inlove with you... I think
Kira: Nori-chan!!!
Akagi: huh?
Kira: where have you been? I've been looking for you... I hate you
Akagi: sorry...
Kira: its okay... lets go?
Akagi: (nods)
Kira-san... thank you for being there always... even though I can't give your feelings back... you're just there...
Third Person's POV:
(At the gym)
(The door opens)
Coach: hohoho
Team: Coach!!!
Coach: how was everyone???
Akagi: Everything's okay sensei
Coach: hohoho
Sakuragi: (puts him arms in Coach Anzai) hey gramps...
Akagi: (knocks him off) Go back to your position idiot
Sakuragi: aaahhhh Goriii...
Coach: hohoho we will have a guest today
Suri: hi!
Coach: She is Wakahisa Suri...
Suri: please be good to me (bows)
Coach: Akagi
Akagi: sensei...
Coach: She is our sports journalist
Suri: hi there Takenori!!!
The team looks shocked...
Sakuragi: you knew each other???
Suri: yes
Sakuragi's thought: If Gori and this girl knew each other... then...
Sakuragi: did came to revenge on Gori???
All: huh?
Sakuragi: well (thinks)
Akagi: (blushing and knocked him down) I'm sorry... this guy doesn't make sense
Sakuragi: you...
Coach: well it seems its okay now... go back to your practice...
All: yes!!!
At the practice...
Sakuragi: hey Gori...
Akagi: what???
Sakuragi: it seems that I'm correct am I???
But Akagi is avoiding Sakuragi
Sakuragi: hahahaha I knew it hahahahaha
Akagi: (doesn't have patience anymore...) well... YOU HAVE TO CLEAN THE GYM ALL BY YOURSELF! In one week
Sakuragi: what?
Akagi: you're a genius right??? YOU CAN DO IT...
Sakuragi: ksaaaa.....
Kogure: Akagi... it would be so rude if you punish Sakuragi in front of a guest
(Then he realize that his "first love" was there)
Sakuragi: yah! He's right Gori... hey Megane-kun... (kneels) I owe you this one... so for thanking you... (whispers) I would help you to date a girl...
Kogure: (feels embarrassed) aaahhh Sakuragi its nothing
Akagi: Ok then...
Sakuragi: (brightens)
Akagi: it would be next week
Sakuragi: aaaaahhhhh!!!
Rukawa: serves you right
Sakuragi: Rukawa...
(Then the practice ends...)
Akagi: hmmm floors check, balls check what else?
Suri: Akagi-kun
Akagi: !!!
Suri: mind if I can walk with you?
Akagi: uh... you see
Suri: its been a long while since haven't did this
Akagi: ok then...
(While walking)
Suri: aahh...
Akagi: ...
Suri: so how was the team??? I heard that there's a lot of incredible players in Shohoku...
Akagi: well when it comes to game I think I'm sure of that but outside the game they are insane...
Suri: especially the red one?
Akagi: yeah...
Suri: haha how come???
Akagi: those guys are hard headed... full of self confidence and their attitude sucks... but their commitment in basketball is really amazing...
Suri: but you are a great leader and I believe that you will be a very big help in their lives... individually
Akagi: uhh thanks...
Suri: that's nothing... well how about in Inter High championship? I knew in the first place that you always want to get there?
Akagi: uhm... I think were almost there... and I believe we will get the title of the BEST BASKETBALL TEAM HIGH SCHOOL in Japan...
Suri: that's the spirit... how about being a captain in the team? I know its really hard to keep in track of some teammates of yours
Akagi: uhh are you having an interviewing with me now?
Suri: hmmm... it depends hahaha
Akagi: well it would be better if you ask a permission first
Suri: oh...
Akagi: but its okay... you already started it so... con---
...Then, it began to rain...
Suri: oh...
Akagi: (opens the umbrella) come here...
Suri: (gets closer to Akagi) oh... thanks..
Akagi: (talks to himself) what happened to me??? She's so close to me but it doesn't feel the same way before...
Suri: hey were here...
Akagi: oh...
Suri: uh thanks?
Akagi: always welcome... (smiles)
Suri: goodbye... take care...
Akagi: I will
...when Suri walks inside her house...Akagi noticed his best friend...
Akagi: Kira???
Kira: h---h---hi---
Akagi: what happened to you?!
Kira: I waited for you... but you're with her... I'm leaving...
Akagi: wait!
Akagi: Takenori... just... stop this... bye...
(Next day at classroom)
Classmate: hey Takenori-kun... where's Kira-san???
Akagi: uhh I don't know...
Classmate: strange... she's always the one who came here first... hmm ok then (leaves)
Akagi: (talking to himself again) maybe she got cold... tsk... I should go to her after this class
(The class dismissed...)
Suri: Takenori!!!
Akagi: oh...
Suri: can we walk together to the g---
Akagi: I'm sorry but no...
Suri: but...
Akagi: there won't be no practice today... now go rest... (about to leave)
Suri: wait!
Akagi: (somehow annoyed)
Suri: uh... can you go the park??? About 4 p.m. Uhm... I have something important to tell you
Akagi: ok...
(At Kira's home)
Akagi: Kira!!! Kira!!!
Old man: hey young boy! There's no one in that house... I think Kira-san confined in ******* hospital
Akagi: huh???
Old man: go now! She needs you!
Akagi: uhhh (bows) thank you so much...
(At hospital)
Akagi: excuse me miss, where's the room of Aki Kira???
Nurse: (scans the papers) room 8401 3rd floor
Akagi: thanks...
(AT room 8401)
Mr. Aki: Takenori-kun you came!!!
Akagi: (bows) greetings ser...
Mr. Aki: ...
Akagi: what happened to Kira???
Mr. Aki: well her allergy strikes again...
Akagi: huh?
Mr. Aki: go inside... maybe she can explain it better...
Akagi: (bows) thank you...
(Opens the door)
Kira: why are you here?
Akagi: look I care and...
Kira: and what? You know if in the first place you care... you informed me that you already left instead of keep me hanging there...
Akagi: Kira-san
Kira: leave now... maybe Suri-san needs you more than I am...
Akagi: you're right (leaves)
...and now, Kira is crying...
(At park)
Suri: Takenori...
Akagi: Suri...
Suri: you came...
Akagi: Kira insist me...
Suri: oh...
Akagi: uh... what do you have to say something important???
Suri: uh well... hmmm (breathes)
Akagi: ...
Suri: I like you Takenori...
Akagi: you what?
Suri: I like you... but it seems I'm too late
Akagi: ???
Suri: I felt guilty when I reject you then as time passes by, I miss you then it was too late that I realized I... like... you...
Akagi: huh? What I'm confused...
Suri: Kira-san needs you more... act now before its too late...
Akagi: but she flew me away...
Suri: so you're giving up already???
Akagi: ...
Suri: confess you're feeling to her... like you did to me some time ago...
Akagi: ...
Suri: swear... you will never regret it...
Akagi: thanks... (hugs Suri then leaves)
Suri: welcome
(Back to the hospital)
...Akagi walks into the room but Kira was sleeping...
Akagi: ...Suri was right..Now I know that i don't feel the same way like before when it comes to her...
...Kira suddenly wakes up...
Akagi: !!!
Kira: !!! Are you deaf??? I already said to you that you must leave
Akagi: Suri just confess her feelings to me...
Kira: so that means you're officially together???
Akagi: I rejected her
Kira: huh?! Why?!
Akagi: because I like my bestfriend... as a herself

at last!!! It ends now... haaaayyyy well another fanfic for our GORI!!! I made him because its kinda unfair you know its always Rukawa (always), Mitsui (-.-), Miyagi (with Ayako) and Sakuragi... well lets appreciate the man behind the victory of Shohoku... yeeeeyyy!!!

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