"And here is the sleeping puppy." Ash whispers. I open one eye and flick my ear at him, realizing that he was vlogging. "Oh no! She saw me! Run!" He exclaims as he scrambles towards the stairs. I quickly run after him and tackle him.
It's been about two and a half months. Emily has told me that I can reveal my secret anytime now, but I'm scared. I don't want them thinking I'm some freak and kicking me out. I have come to love these boys more than almost everything else in the world and I don't want to lose them. That attacks by other packs and vampires has been a little over whelming, and the amount of people food I get is underwhelming.
"Guys! Lets go swim in the pool!" Calum exclaims, running out of his room with his swimming trunks on. The other boys agree and run up to change. I will just sit by the side of the pool. If I go into the water, I could lose focus and become human. They're not ready to know yet. Or maybe I'm not ready for them to know.
Once we are at the pool, I lay down in the sun as the boys splash each other and whine like little kids. "Come on in Y/N!" Ash calls.
When I don't move and just close my eyes instead, I hear somebody get out of the pool. Before I realize what is going on, I get thrown into the pool. Using my werewolf speed, I get out out if the pool and hide behind a bush in the garden.
"Y/N?" Calum calls, I hear him walk towards the bush. Come on, change back. Change back to wolf. Come on, you can do it.
I open my eyes and see I'm still human, and the boys are all peeking around the bush at me. "Oh gods." I mutter.
The boys give me confused looks. "Are you?" Mikey asks.
"Yup. I'm a werewolf. That's why I ran away, I didn't want you to get hurt." I sigh. I stand up and start to leave. Then, my wolf finally comes back and I'm on all fours again. SERIOUSLY!?
"Y/N." Luke calls. I look back at him as he and the boys are standing at the open door, waiting for me to come in. I walk over, with my tail between my legs, and go inside.
Once inside, the boys all sit down and start conversing about the situation. I can't take it. I run up the stairs and into the guest bedroom, closing the door behind me and hiding under the bed. I made sure I tucked my tail under too, because I didn't want to be found.
"Y/N!" I hear each boy call. They were searching for me so they could probably just kick me out. I knew something would go wrong, dang it! Why did I have to try and sleep by the pool!?