"Put it on." He said.

I looked at the others and saw they were in similar positions.

"Why? We were stuck in a van the whole way here. We have no idea where we are." Chris said in an exasperated tone.

"There are classified experiments going on inside. You need a certain level in order to see these experiments. You do not have access." He answered, shoving the cloth in Chris's hand.

"Erm, we aren't really able to tie these." Alex said shaking his handcuffs.

The Hunter sighed in annoyance before roughly knotting the cloth over Alex's eyes. I could only assume the others were also blindfolded because the Hunter in front of me quickly covered my eyes.

I felt the chain tugging against my handcuffs so I began to walk. My steps were hesitant as I moved forward. Not being able to see left me feeling vulnerable and forced me to rely on my other senses.

I could hear people moving all around me. They spoke in hushed tones to each other but I could hear the excitement in their voices. I listened harder, hoping to pick up some clue as to what was going on.

"They have captured the Cronus..."

"...breakthrough for research..."

"...running out of test subjects..."

"...just in time..."

I shook my head in confusion. I didn't understand what they were talking about. Another jerk on my handcuffs forced me to focus my attention on walking.

The Hunters led us down several flights of stairs before ripping off my blindfold. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dark environment.

We were in some kind of medieval dungeon deep underground. There were cells on both sides of the rooms with thick iron bars stopping any escape. The air was damp and stale as if it hadn't changed for hundreds of years.

We were led passed several cells as we walked down. Each cell had different types of people with numbers. There were old people, young people, families and many more. No two cells had the same inhabitants.

Despite the differences in the people, they all had one thing in common.

They were broken.

Every person in that dungeon was huddled on the floor, filthy and ragged. They looked at us with dead, soulless eyes as we passed, barely acknowledging our presence. It seemed like every ounce of life had been dragged from them to the point they no longer cared about anything. These people had obviously experienced an unimaginable amount of pain.

There was one cell that almost brought me to my knees. It was filled with little children, all from different places. The children wore dirty, soiled clothes with tear streaked faces.

As we passed the cell, all the children shuffled away from the bars in horror. All, except a little boy with thick glasses. The boy reached through the bars and grasped the bottom of Lila's jeans.

"P-please ma'am, I-I c-can't find m-my mommy. Sh-she said she w-would be b-back s-soon but she n-never came back. P-please help m-me f-find her." The boy whimpered softly.

Lila dropped down to the ground and grasped his pudgy fingers.

"I promise I will get you out of here if it's the last thing I do. And I have never broken a promise." Lila said heatedly. She looked at the other children who stared back at her with fear in their eyes.

"I promise you will all get out of here." Lila repeated, her words dripping in determination.

The boy smiled weakly at her before an older child ran forward and dragged him back.

The Hunter holding Lila pulled her roughly to her feet and shoved her forward.

"What are these people used for?" Chris asked quietly.

"Test subjects. We need varied specimen pool to have the best results." A Hunter replied plainly.

"Why can't they stay with their parents? It won't affect your experiments if they stay together." Lila spat angrily.

"Those are the children whose parents have passed away in the course of their stay here." He answered.

"That little boy won't see his mother again, will he?" I asked.

"I highly doubt it. She is most likely dead." The Hunter said callously.

I felt anger rising in me at the man's careless words but I couldn't do anything with the handcuffs on.

We finally reached an empty cell on the left side on the room, across from a skinny, gaunt woman.

The Hunter unlocked the cell and shoved me in. The others were also pushed in. The Hunters carrying Uncle Dan threw him into the cell, the impact jarring him awake.

The Hunter slammed the door shut before pressing a button at the side of the cell. The handcuffs dropped from our hands. I tried my power and found I still couldn't use it. The fact was frustrating but not surprising.

"Wait here, you soon be addressed." He said.

Where does he think we will go to?

The Hunters turned and went back the way they came, leaving us to our thoughts.

A/N: Hey everyone. I hope you like this chapter. I know this chapter was a little more description than action but I wanted to set the scene. It was really meant to be part of one huge chapter but I split it up into two. Stay tuned for Chapter 24. Oh, don't forget to vote and comment.

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