Chapter 45: About Time to Finish

Start from the beginning

She looked up for a second, and Albus kissed her. After a very long time they broke off. First, Albus walked towards the motionless body of the Dark Lord 2.0 and pulled the knobbed wand out of his hand. The Elder Wand was his, even though he didn't want it. He stuck it in his pocket. "Quinn, stay here." he said, before marching over the rubble. There was still a massive fight going on. He decided to break the fight, but the question was, how? He had just killed the Dark Lord 2.0 since he was like nothing compared to the actual You-Know-Who, but didn't know how to stop this fight. Then he got an idea. Albus raised his wand and decided to use the red-sparks spell they'd learned in fourth year. He performed it, and yelled, "HEY!"

The fighting died down as people looked at Albus. He nearly choked when he saw some of the bodies on the ground, but took a deep breath and continued. "The New Dark Lord is dead. I killed him. There is no more of him." he said. Behind him, Quinn slowly walked, skipped, crawled and stood next to Albus, her hair a complete mess in Albus' shirt-turban that was now colored red. Some people disapparated, others were so shocked they didn't notice there were people attacking them. But Albus did know one thing for sure now, Quinn liked him. Next to him, she reached for his hand, and Albus helped her from the rubble-mountain. He let her lean on him, as they walked towards Hannah Longbottom, who was trying to mend people. As Albus walked there, his eyes were watery and he had a hard time not to cry, seeing all those dead bodies.

Luke Finnigan, Ervin Jones, and, to Albus' great surprise as he was rather sure she'd left, Felicia Bennett, holding hands with the also dead Flynn. But one killed Albus the most. There was one red-head on the floor, surrounded by the rest of Albus' family, and Albus saw a glimpse of the body. Uncle George. Fred and Roxanne were crying, and Aunt Angelina was completely heart-broken, Albus could see that. Albus helped Quinn further to Hannah, who smiled at Albus.

"I'll take her from here." she said, and Albus nodded. Suddenly someone placed his hand on Albus' shoulder.

"I'm very proud of you, Albus." said Harry, Albus' father. Albus spun around to face him, and was hugged by him. "I was so afraid you'd died when you left, I knew what you were going to do and where you were going, but when you and Quinn were gone, I kept imagining you dead." he said, and Albus smiled.

"It's all over now, Dad. We lived." He said, and his father nodded.

"But how did you do it? He had the Elder Wand, didn't he?" Albus took the wand out of his pocket and handed it to his father.

"You keep it. I know you can do it, Dad. At least I know I can't. But I'm going to find myself a jacket or T-Shirt or something, it's kind of cold in here. And after that, I'd like to go home." Albus said, as Harry took off the jacket he was wearing and handed it to Albus. Albus put it on and closed it. Then he turned back to Quinn, who was smiling up at Albus while Hannah tended to her head. Her hair was sticky and red-ish, but she didn't seem to care. And Albus had to admit that she still looked amazing with her hair like that.


The Living room in the Burrow was a very sad place to be, because everyone was crying over George. Albus had cried too, but then he, Quinn, Tyler, Rose and Scorpius had gone upstairs. Harry had told both Scorpius and Tyler to contact their families to go home, but Mr Malfoy and Oliver Wood had both said Tyler and Scorpius were allowed to stay with the Weasleys because they trusted them to keep them safe. Harry then said that they both were to tell them they could also come over to the Burrow, so they did. The only one not so into that was Uncle Ron, who was grumbling about Mr Malfoy coming over. In any case the five friends were sitting in Albus and Tyler's room, talking and laughing. Quinn - who had showered, so her hair was all pretty again - held onto Albus' hand.

"Wow, it actually feels like first year a bit." Scorpius said, and Rose smiled.

Albus nodded. "Say Rose, does Uncle Ron know about you and Scorpius yet?" Rose's cheeks flushed, as she shook her head. "Shouldn't you tell him. I mean, Your dad knows, doesn't he?" he said to Scorpius. Scorpius nodded.

"He does, and he said, wait, what did he say again, oh right. 'That's fine with me, to be honest, I had expected it.'" They all laughed. Everything was being great. Rose got up.

"You know what, let's tell him now." she said, "I don't care if he doesn't want us together. I am completely independent and of age, so it doesn't even matter." The others got up too and followed Rose and Scorpius who, while holding hands, were descending the stairs. Oliver Wood and his wife, together with Mr Malfoy and Mrs Malfoy. Everyone looked at Rose and Scorpius when they came down, and the difference in their reactions were absolutely hilarious.

Ron looked so shocked that if he had held something it would've dropped, Aunt Hermione was smiling knowingly, Mr Malfoy smiled that way too, and Mrs Malfoy was just utterly surprised.

"Are you- Is this- Did you?" Uncle Ron muttered, and after seeing Hermione's angry look gave in. "Sure. Umm, okay." he said, which brightened the mood of the entire room. He then took a deep breath. "Why don't we just play some Quidditch." he said, and he got up.


So, I know I said I would make this Chapter a lot longer but it would be a very bad chapter. So, let's just say the next Chapter with the Quidditch game will be updated today. Anyway, I hope you're all happy with the outcome with Quinn.

There will be maybe 2 or 3 more chapters. After that, my book has ended. But if you like my writing whatsoever read my other stuff:

What if the Dark Lord killed Harry

The Romeo & Juliette

Tell me what you think of this chapter and don't hate me for not making it super long, the next chapter will be up today. (Maybe not in half an hour because I'm a hungry person and need food).



PS: Holy Cow, the prequel to this has almost reached 7K like WHAT?

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Where stories live. Discover now