55: Your Favourite TV Show to Watch Together

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Niall: Cupcake Wars

he loves this show because of the compitition and the food! it always makes him hungry and u usually have to get up and make him multiple snacks! when u comeback hes usually like this-

Harry: Here comes Honey Boo Boo

U too laugh like crazy at honeybooboo child! you almost never miss an epidsode and harry always jokes about how hot "mama" is

Louis: Say Yes to the Dress

He doesent reguarly watch this, but when ever you are watching it or its in the background he'll sit down comment on the dresses (sometimes talking about ur dress XD ) you two have the best of times deciding on whenever she should say yes to the dress!

Liam: Mickey Mouse

You know its not the most mature show, but u and liam just LOVE Disney, Disney Jr, and watch Mickey Mouse while cudding in bed after waking up in the morning

Zayn: Psych

Every saturday, you and zayn sit on the couch with a bag of chips cuddling watching the crime show! When the scences get a bit scary, he holds you tighter and protects you

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