Reality, With a Twist - Nightmare No More

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I looked over to my right, while I lay on my bed. There was darkness. I look to my left, still pitch black. Brittany was gone, and no where in sight. I used my arms and pushed myself to the edge of my bed. I stood up. Light came through the cracks in the door. But not enough to give me sight. I walked towards the door. I gripped the handle and turned it. I saw Brittany on the ground, Clyde above her. He had a belt in his hand. It was bent to be used as a whip. She was crying, but no sound came out. It was dead silence. Clyde looked to me. He smiled and I ran at him. He shrugged me off to the ground. Clyde was a big man. He was about 6 foot, and had short brown hair. He was built like a tank. I knew I had no chance, but I had to get her away. 

"Brittany, get away from here!" I screamed out. She kept crying and didn't move a muscle. I didn't even hear my own voice. 

"Brittany! Get away from here!" I screamed with every vocal I could. Nothing came out. It was blank, silence.

I turned to Clyde. He dropped the belt and took a swing to my face. I hit the ground. But felt no pain. My cheek swelled and covered my right eyes vision. I couldn't see much anymore.

"Help!" I screamed out in terror. But once again. Not a noise was heard.

He took another swing. And my vision blurred. I fell to my side on the ground. My left eye could barely see anymore. My right was blank. I watched Brittany scream and cry in terror. But I couldn't help. I so wished I could help. But I was useless. Clyde was bigger and stronger. I was just a plastic cone in a semi trucks path. I was nothing. My eyes closed. And I felt black.

"Clouse!" Screamed out a voice like Brittany's. I opened my eyes and felt cold sweat trickle down my back. "Are you alright?" She asked.

I looked around the room. It was still dark, but not like that dream. That oh so vivid dream. I looked to Brittany and wrapped my arms around her. I pulled her down to the bed and didn't move. 

"We're telling your mom tonight, and that's that." I told her. I didn't want what happened in my dream to ever happen. I was never there when he beat her. I never knew if he used his fists or objects. I tried to not ever think about it. But after that dream. I just couldn't bare the thought.

"Clouse I need..." I stopped her mid-sentence.

"Please." I started to cry a little. "Please tell her. I need you to tell her." I pleaded. I looked up at her face. She was kind of surprised of me. I never did cry. So when I did now, it must have really scared her.

"I'll call later, and I'll tell her after supper. But I need you with me." She said with fright.

I knew I wasn't any match for Clyde. But I was a bigger match then Brittany was. I knew if I stood up he may not try it. Plus her mother would be there.

"Good." I said out with happiness in my voice. My tears started to drop. The remaining ones soaked into the mattress.

I turned around and faced the wall. It was still really late, or very early. Depending on how you look at it. I felt her hand rub my side for a second, and then I felt movement. And she rolled over. I smiled and slept.

Several hours later, I awoke to the smell of something delicious. I turned over and Brittany was gone. I slid over to the edge of my bed and stood up. I opened my door and looked around. I could still smell something. I took a big whiff and almost died by how good it smelled. I ran down the stairs quickly. 

"Brittany?" I asked outloud. I wanted to know if she was making the smell. But there was no reply. 

I walked in the kitchen and she had head phones on. I saw she had her iPod sitting on the toaster and she was making pancakes in the frying pan. It smelt good. And there was another pan with bacon in it. She looked set-up. I looked over to the table. It was set-up and there were blue berries and raspberries on plates. I felt so happy. 

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