I look at Brad who smiles at me, then Emily who still has the same annoyed look on her face, "No I don't want to intrude, you should spend some time with you son and get to know Emily", I politely decline

"You won't be intruding. We're spending the whole day with these two, it'll be nice to have to around for the evening" Derek explains

"And we want to get to know you too, I know Brad thinks of you as a very good friend" Anne continues after her husband.

"Eerrr" is all I can say

"Brad, tell her" Anne nudges her son.

"Yeah you definitely should come" Brad encourages giving me a pleading look.

I scratch the back of my neck trying to think of an excuse but nothing comes so I give out a sigh, "ok" I say smiling

"Fantastic" Anne claps her hand together; "we'll see you at 7?" she looks at her son for confirmation.

"Yeah" Brad nods, "we'll knock on you door at 7"

"Right, ok I'll see you all then" I begin to walk off but am stopped again.

"The milk, idiot" Brad laughs.

"Oh yeah" I say walking to the kitchen in a haste and grabbing the milk, then saying goodbye to everyone once again who still laugh at my forgetfulness then walk back to my apartment but not before shooting Brad a glare for calling me a 'idiot'.


After work I went home a got ready for the dinner. Brad came and knocked on my door at 7 like he said he would and we made our way to the restaurant, which was indeed 'fancy' as Anne had said. Surprisingly I was getting along really well with Brad's parents, they were really genuine and sweet, unlike mine"

"The food is really good" Brad says to the table, "but not as good as your food mum".

Anne chuckles, "you should've just let me cook like I said"

"I didn't get you a train ride down here to make you cook mum, although I have missed your food"

"I don't mind, at least you would've got a nice home cooked meal, god knows what you boy eat in that apartment"

"Mum you've taught me well, I know how to cook" Brad reassures his mum

"Plus I cook for him all the time" Emily say proudly, "don't I Brady"

"Mmhmm" Brad mumbles since he's just taken a bit of his food.

"That's good" Anne speaks again, "What about you Liv, do you cook?" she asks me causing Brad to erupt into laughter, everyone else looks at him confused but I know he's laughing at thought of me cooking.

I shoot him a glare and he tries to muffle his laughter before I turn back to Anne, "no I don't cook, I never really learnt, I'm more of a helper or a washer upper" I say, a little embarrassed.

"How can you not cook" Emily say smugly, "You just have to follow instruction"

"It's a lot more than following instructions" Anne defends me, "maybe I'll teach you one day"

She shoots me a warm smile which I return, "But I know why you're so you're tiny now, what do you eat", she speaks again as if she's scolding me.

"I eat" I reassure her, "Lily usually cooks or one of the boys, Brad actually one of the better cooks" I inform her trying to get the attention away from myself.

"See" Brad says to his mother as if he's an 8 year old.

The rest of the night was fairly pleasant, apart from Emily's annoying presence at dinner, which I'm starting to find more and more unbearable. Brad drop her off to her place first after the meal before taking us back home, once we were outside our door I thanked Anne and Derek for inviting me today, they both gave me a warm hug and Anne made me promise to come drop them off at the station with Brad tomorrow afternoon since I had no work, thankfully Emily was not come since she was busy.

Once home I stripped into one of Brads t-shirts, that I've made into my nightwear and drifted off to sleep.

Not long after was I woken by a shuffling noise near my bed. I turned and squinted my eyes to attempt to see in the dark. I eventually made out a familiar head to brown curls.

"Bradley" I croaked.

"Sorry" he whispers lifting the sheets to get in.

"What are you doing?"

"Mum and dad are in my bed and my back is hurting on the couch", he explains shuffling around.

I slid further in to give him more space only to have Brads strong arms pull me back to his chest.

"We're not having sex" I say closing my eyes getting comfortable in his warmth.

"Why?" he whispers again, his breath tickling the back of my neck.

"Tired" I mumble sleepily.

"But it's been so long" he whines.

"You're fault" I tell him, which was true, like I said we haven't had anytime time together just the two of us.

"Fine" he sighs wrapping his arms tighter to pull me closer.

After a few seconds I realize I'm wide-awake. Thanks Brad.

"Brad" I whisper


"Bradley" I shout whisper.

"What" he mumbles into my hair.

"I'm sorry for crashing your dinner, I know it was probably a get to know Emily thing for your parents"

"It's fine, I'm actually glad you came, things were a little awkward through the day with just Emily there, you kind of took the pressure off"

"Well then you're welcome," I say making him chuckle quietly.

We stay silent for a few seconds before he speaks again, "My parents really like you"

"They're lovely", I smile turning around to face him, my hand rest on his chest as his remain wrap around my back pulling me so there was barely any space between us and our legs tangle together.

He smiles back at me, our face millimeters away so I could take in every small freckle. We stare into each other eyes for a while. I don't know why but Brad look different to me right now, I can't put my finger on it.

"What are you thinking about" he says softly, his minty breath faming my face due to the close proximity.

"Nothing" I reply just as quietly.

He looks at me confused for second before guiding my head to the crook of his neck, "go to sleep" he sooths placing a kiss on a the top of my head.

One of his hands run through my hair gently since he knows that's what relaxes me and I drift into sleep.

Friends - Bradley Will SimpsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora