Chapter 34 - It's Time

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Chapter 34 - It's Time

Dedicated to: AnimeFan4Ever22

Episodes: 126, (127, 128)

Dates written: 8/6-8/23/15

Date published: 8/23/15

Song: Itachi AMV -The Beginning

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"Just let her go." I hear Sasuke tell him before I shake my head and turn around and run down the stairs.

Turning into the forest, I try to locate where my team is. They're coming from the North so I'll go East. Now, where is Itachi? I jump up on a branch and stop to look around.

His chakra just split. Did he make a clone? I jump from branch to branch looking all over. Seeing something, I stopped. Itachi was standing in front of Naruto. "Why are you doing this?" Naruto fell to his knees panting.

Itachi's clone looked up at me. He tilted his head a bit before looking back as Naruto. "I'll be going now. I have important things to do." Itachi disappeared into crows before I jumped in the direction they were going.

I followed them all the way to a clearing. "Shiaye." I jump down running to hug him making him skit back a bit. "Itachi." He pats my back as he laughed a bit.

"Sasuke is trying to find you and he's going to kill you." I say as he pulls me away from him. His face faltered a bit. "It's okay Shiaye."

"No it's not. I wanted you to stay longer! I need you to stay longer!" Tears were running down my face as I buried myself in his chest. "I need you to be strong. Do you remember the promise you made me?"

My eyes went wide as I froze. "You need to keep your promise to me Shiaye. That is what I need of you. Think of it as my last wish Shiaye." Itachi pulled me back wiping my tears away. "Come on. Let's go walk."

He put his arm around me as we walked through the forest until we got to another city. On the outskirts, we headed towards a big fortress. "The Uchiha Shrine.." I mumble as we stop. "No way."

"Come on." Itachi walked ahead of me making me run to catch up to him. "So this is where you wanted to bring me?" I ask looking around as we walked inside. "Yeah. I thought you might want to see it."

"Kisame is outside. He'll tell us when Sasuke arrives." He sits down in the chair as I sit on the ledge of it. "I wanted you to walk me down the isle." I look out towards the center of the room. "I'm sorry Shiaye."

That's when I realized something. "Did you lie?" I look back at him. "It's worsen over the months. So no, in a way I didn't lie." A sigh escapes my lips as I nod. "Okay."

"Have you chosen a date?" He asks making me smile. "April 27. In about two months or so."

"You should have Sasuke walk you. I know it's not the same, but he's still your brother too." Itachi look outwards sighing. "What is it?" I ask turning completely around. "Sasuke is getting closer."


"Shiaye I need to ask you something?" I nod for him to continue. "I want you to take care of the bird." My eyes widen. "As soon as I'm gone, the block on your head will start to disappear. It may be painful at first, but all of your memories will be returned."

"Returned? But I thought they were only blocked?" He looked like he had said something wrong. "You'll see what I mean when the time comes." Itachi pulled me to him hugging me as something went through me.

When I pulled back that one certain crow was there. "He's almost like a summoning. It doesn't take any chakra."

I pet the crow on the head. This very crow has Shisui's eye in it. I don't remember what happened to the other one.

"What ever happen to his other eye?" I ask looking at Itachi. "You know where is. Not me. Shisui asked me to block that memory for a certain reason."

Silence enveloped around us.

"So you found him first?" I look up to see Sasuke standing in front of us. "Of course you two seem to know where each other are at every second." He shook his head before sighing.

"Are you going to help me," My eyes widened a bit. "Or do I have to put you out before I start?"

Something hit my back before everything went dark. NO!

Third Person's P.O.V.

Shiaye stumbled towards Sasuke as her head stayed down. "Shiaye. I am the enemy." Itachi says leaning on his hand. Sasuke looked over at his sister with curiosity. Her head slowly went up as she turned around.

Sasukes eyes widened seeing her whole eye violet. "She has no pupil. What did you do to her?"

"I made her the way you've always wanted her to be. Cold hearted towards me. She doesn't even remember me." Itachi says sighing a bit. 'He did that without even touching her. I've never seen him do that.'

(I'm going to skip the whole Madara story. Writing it anyways. They've already been told. I'm sorry. I'm lazy.)

"Tell me Sasuke, what can you see with those sharingans of yours?" Itachi asked as Sasuke smirked. "What I see, is you lying beneath my feet dead."

"You see me dead do you?" Itachi closed his eyes looking up a bit. "Then make it happen." Itachi appeared beside Sasuke before their weapons clashed. Shiaye broke out her sword going right down the middle of the two.

Itachi shot up kicking his younger siblings back. Sasuke bounced off the floor before crouching on his knees and making hand signs. Chidori formed in his hands as Shiaye lit her hands up.

Sasuke looked at her before he smirked. 'This is always what I've wanted.' He thought as he held his hand up to Shiayes. They ran at Itachi before stopping short. Itachi jumped up just as Shiaye took control of the flames and Sasuke jumped up.

Sasuke shoved his sword through Itachi as they fell to the ground.

"You've grown." Itachi says as blood leaks from his mouth. Shiaye walked towards them as lightning struck her body all over. The charge from taking over the chidori was still effecting her. "I'm going to ask you one last question."

Sasuke looked at Itachi weird as Itachi held up his two fingers and pointed towards the other side of the room. There sat Itachi on the chair like nothing had happened. The fake Itachi started to disappear into a flock of crows.

"What do you want to know? It won't be the last thing, but I'll hear you out." Itachi looked at his siblings with a boredom expression.


Sorry it took so long to post. I had a long period of... Well.. just not wanting to write.

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