Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V

     How did you get into this mess again? You glare at the twins, causing  them to smirk back. In front of you there were several boys... and a girl?? They stared at  you, and the one with the violate eyes blushed. You smirked at him causing him to blush even more. The more you think about it, the more you question your sanity.


"Do you want to come to the Host Club with me?" 



     That one word changed your life, and you now know that. Your pulled out of your thoughts by the petite- no , small boy in a high school uniform tugging your arm.

" (Name)-chan! Do you like cake? Or bunnies? What's your favorite color??" He wouldn't stop asking you questions. Your patience was wearing thin.

     "Um I guess?" You didn't really know how to respond. You glare at all the boys. The blond walks up to you taking your hand and lightly kissing it.

     "Welcome to the Host Club~ I'm Tamaki." The twins pushed him out of the way as Tamaki was leaning to kiss your hand again.

"We're the Hitachiin brothers." They said in unison.

"Well, your not the Hitachiin sisters. That's for sure." Someone snickered. They blushed and tried to introduce themselves again.

"I'm Kaoru."

"And I'm Hikaru." The twins said stared at you, not blinking. The short boy from before jumped on your back, tearing your attention from the two sets of auburn eyes.

"I'm Honey~"

They all introduced themselves, their names long forgotten. All you could do was stare into the deep purple eyes of Tamaki, and all he could do was stare back.

xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx A/n xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

*hides and cries* I-im so sorry!

*insert lame excuse here*

I wanted to say a special thank you (and a special sorry to the latter XD) to maddieloveslarry  and AshelyOrtiz129. Thanks for the support.

Ouran High School Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang