ex boyfriends and trouble

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Karlie's POV:

I walked slowly to Taylor's classroom and when i saw she was inside I went to my seat to sit down. Taylor shut the door and came over to sit down on my desk. "Where's my kiss?" she asked flirtily. I laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. I pulled away after a few seconds as something was really getting to me. "What is it?" she asked looking confused. I sighed. "Look, i know it's probably nothing but something's been bugging me." She looked puzzled. "What i wanted to know was who is Calvin?" She froze. Standing up she went back to her desk and let out a deep breath. "Why does it matter?" I shrugged and tried to play cool. "I was just wondering because when your gran mentioned it earlier you seemed kind of tense." I watched as Taylor stiffened up. "Fine, he was my ex boyfriend" I froze. "Why did you go and see him?!" i asked in a quiet but angry voice. She looked away from me. "I had to go and get some papers off him, i used to live with him and i left a few official papers there." I was puzzled. If they were important, why were they still there? She was about 23 i think so she must have needed them. "Why were they still there?" i asked curiously. "I broke up with him a few months ago and when i told him i was gay it ended very quickly, anyway, he was just a high school boyfriend." I was shocked. "You were with your high school boyfriend for what, 7 years?! She shook her head. "No, more like 2 if that." I was confused. "Wait...how old are you?" She looked up very suddenly. "You can't tell anyone, but i'm....i'm only 19" I gasped. Wow, she was young. Was it bad of me to instantly cheer as she was only a few years older than me. I was about to ask some more questions when i saw a shadow of someone outside the door. I hadn't noticed it before and the person didn't seem to be knocking. "So, miss, how should i improve my essay, i don't really get section 4. Taylor seemed confused but went along with it and helped me with my essay for the remainder of the detention. When i was done i noticed the shadow was gone. I left the classroom smiling but the second i left the school my smile turned into a frown. Who was this Calvin guy? If one thing was for certain, i was going to find out. I also didn't buy the bullshit excuse about papers. What was Taylor doing there? I knew this amount, or lack of trust in our relationship wasn't great but i had to find out. Getting into my car i was determined to find out.

Anon POV:

I walked slowly and carefully to the classroom where they were both in. By now i had convinced myself that they were having an affair. As i got to the classroom i heard Karlie's loud voice asking Miss about section 4. That bit was easy, how stupid could she be? I quickly peered in to see Miss bending over Karlie's desk and giving her instructions quietly. I watched as Karlie jotted down notes and i continued watching until the end of the lesson. Nothing had happened. Maybe what i had seen earlier was just Karlie being weird. No, Karlie wasn't weird like that, she was normally quite careful. No, there was something going on and i wasn't going to rest until i found out what.

Karlie's POV:

I pulled into my driveway and let myself in. I immediately noticed that my father wasn't in his usual place. Passed out, drunk or watching the game with several empty beers surrounding him. I walked quietly to my bedroom and let out a gasp as i found him standing in there. Papers littered the floor and all of my possessions were scattered all over the floor. "What are you doing?!" i asked in surprise. He glared at me. "I know you're keeping secrets from me Karlie and i don't like it. I don't like it one bit." I glared back at him. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I screamed, "Get out, get out, get out!" Thankfully he was drunk and i was able to push him out. He stumbled down the stairs a little and i watched him hit the floor. No sympathy filled me and i slammed the door, sitting on my bed with a groan.

Taylor's POV:

Packing up my stuff i let out a groan. Why did Karlie have to ask about Calvin? Today had been going so great. My class had been a good lesson and everyone had enjoyed themselves. I smiled as i remembered Karlie's group. Then my smile faltered. One of the girls in her group who had been very quiet had been creeping me out. She wouldn't stop staring at me. Even throughout the performance her eyes had never wavered off me for a second. At times i forgot and enjoyed myself but then i would glance at her and she would be staring at me. I shook my head and continued with picking up my books. I looked down at the books i was holding and saw Karlie's was at the top. A piece of paper was sticking it and frowning i pulled it out. The paper had some writing on it. It read

To my lovely Taylor, You are so wonderfully beautiful and this is just a quick note to say that i love you. See ya soon. :) xxxx KK

I sat down at my desk and began to cry. She was so sweet and loving. Sure, every time i saw her my heart sped a little faster but i had still cheated on her. I laughed. I had never pictured myself having an affair with a student let alone feeling heartbroken because of it. At that moment i hated myself. I hit the desk with my hand and instantly regretted it. I left my classroom soon after, one hand throbbing and one handing holding that piece of paper. Marking could wait. I just needed to get home.

A/n: Okay so my question is, can any of you guess who this anonymous person might be? All will be revealed in a few chapters and soon there will be one extra special chapter where everything goes terribly wrong...

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