My mother's blond hair and blue eyes were quickly replaced by curly black hair and dark brown eyes.

"So what gave it away?" she said angrily.

"The picture was of my mother and I, not my father," I replied keeping eyes trained on her.

The woman groaned loudly before speaking.

"Let me give you a little advice. Never go on a mission without doing your full research," she said. The woman then stomped on the break causing my head to slam against the dashboard. I was stunned by the impact and lost hold of my power.

I watched the woman direct the van to the edge of the road and get out. I used the opportunity to gather my power once again. The moment she opened the door, I blasted her with my energy causing her fly back several metres.

I stumbled out of the door gripping my head. I made my way to the back of the van and snapped the lock open with my power. I was greeted with looks of confusion and worry from the group.

"Sephora, what is going on? Why is your head bleeding?" Caleb demanded.

I touched my forehead with my hand and was surprised to see it came back red. I shook off the pain and turned back to the group.

"Listen! This is a trap. That woman isn't my moth-"

I was interrupted by the feeling of cold metal against my neck. The sound of a safety being clicked off confirmed my fears.

"Nobody move," said a steel laced voice behind me.

I was frozen to the ground with fear so that wasn't even an option.

"Sephora, it's Luke. Use your power to knock her out"

"I would advise you against that Sephora. This gun has been specially modified for your kind. One bullet will cause your power to attack you," she said.

Did she just read my thoughts?

I could feel a drop of sweat falling down my temple and my headache seemed to intensify. I must have hit my head really hard.

My eyes were starting to droop when Timmy suddenly stood up. He started to move closer to me. The woman tightened her grip on the gun.

"I said do not move," she shouted.

Timmy continued to walk forward, ignoring her command.

"Timmy, stop moving. Now!" Uncle Dan commanded.

This time Timmy stopped, but only because he was where he wanted to be. He tilted his head slightly to look around me.

"Mum," he said with absolutely no emotion in his voice. I felt the grip on the gun become slack.

I knew this could be my only chance to get free so I dropped down to the ground and swept her legs from under her. The woman slammed into the ground with a thud.

Lila burst into action and grabbed the gun from her. I used my energy to create a rope and commanded it to wrap around her. The woman struggled for a few seconds before flopping back on the ground in anger.

Once I was sure she wasn't going to move, I turned back to the group in the van. Timmy was standing on the edge of the van looking at the woman. Uncle Dan walked passed him and jumped off the van. He crouched down next to the woman and stared at her.

"Sarah," he whispered.

Sarah looked past him at the sky, as if he wasn't there.

"Sarah, look at me," Uncle Dan said.

He got no response from her.

"Please, look at me, " he repeated.

I could hear the pain dripping from his words and apparently so could Sarah because she looked directly at Uncle Dan.

"What are you doing?" he asked. His voice was filled with so much emotion that my breath caught.

Sarah's eyes glistened with tears as she stared at Uncle Dan. She looked over his shoulders at Timmy and started to breathe heavily.

I initially thought Sarah was trying to hold back the tears but then she began to shake. Her body started to jerk around and she started to sweat. Her eyes were rolling around and her breathing became even faster.

"MUM!" Timmy shouted.

"Sarah! What's wrong?! Speak to me!" Uncle Dan shouted.

He turned back to me with panic in his eyes.

"Sephora, you have to do something. Please," he begged.

I was so lost. I didn't know what to do and everyone was waiting for me to help her. I looked down at Sarah and saw her clawing at her trousers. At first glance, it looked like she was responding to the spasms but as I looked closer it seemed like she was trying to reach a pocket on her leg.

I quickly reached down and tore open the pocket. Several small syringes filled with bright green liquid spilled out. I picked up one of the needles and plunged it into her arm.

Sarah's spasms gradually died down and her breathing evened out. I released the ropes, sensing she was too weak to do anything.

Uncle Dan lifted her into the back of the van and laid her down on the floor gently. Sarah dragged herself to the back of the bus and touched it before dropping down wearily.

We all stared at her silently before Timmy broke the silence.

"So I guess we're not the only freaks anymore," he said.

Uncle Dan whipped around and glared at him. Timmy stared back defiantly.

"Behave. She is your mother and you still owe her respect," Uncle Dan said.

"I don't owe her anything! She left us because we weren't normal. She made us feel horrible and now we find out she did it to become just like us! So, not only is she a suckish mother, she is also a hypocrite. Oh, I almost forgot that she is trying to kill us. She can shove her respect where the sun don't shine," Timmy shouted as he stomped out of the van.

Uncle Dan got up to follow him but Caleb held him back.

"Let him be. He needs to cool down," Caleb said.

Uncle Dan sank back down to the floor of the van.

"His delivery was a little off but he does have a point," Caleb said gently.

Uncle Dan rubbed his face. The wrinkles I'm his face had deepened with stress.

"I know," he said. He turned back to Sarah.

"Why are you doing this? What are you gaining?" he asked.

Sarah looked away from him with shame.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Sorry for what, Sarah? From this end it looks like you have a lot to be sorry for," he said.

"No, Dan. I am not sorry for those. I am sorry for now," she said looking out of the van.

Everything was still for a moment.

"Timmy," Uncle Dan said quietly as he sprung up and ran out of the van, closely followed by the rest of us.

We were all stopped in our tracks by a group of Hunters pointing their guns right at us. A quick look confirmed they were the same type of gun as Sarah's. I quickly relayed this information to the others but that wasn't what stopped us from attacking.

The Hunter at the front had a tight grip on Timmy with his gun pressed firmly against Timmy's head. Timmy was trembling and his eyes were wild with fear.

"You have a decision to make. Come calmly or he dies," he said.

I guess we didn't have a choice.

A/N: Hi everyone. Sorry for the late chapter. I was busy this week and inspiration had decided to abandon me :( but then it came back so I was like XD. Well, Thanks for reading. Vote, comment etc if you liked it and the next chapter will be coming soon! Happy Reading!

Oh, What do you think about Sarah?

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