~ Ch. 4 Meeting the Members pt 2~

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I can hardly contain my laughter as I continue chatting with my awesome wattpad buddies. Less than fortunately, I'm forced to pull away from my laptop as the timer goes off for the food. Hurrying around the kitchen, I made everything look just right.... that is until Tobi appeared. When he squealed loudly, right in my ear, I squeaked and burned my hand on the pot... "Oh Shitaki Mushrooms!!!! Hot!!!!"

As if I had summoned them all to me, the Akatsuki appeared in the small kitchen. "Tobi, un! Look what you did, yeah!" Deidara starts scolding Tobi and comically hitting him with a frying pan.

Tobi begins to cry like a small child, "But Deidara-senpai!! Tobi didn't mean to scare Maid-chan! Tobi is a good boy! Please don't hate Tobi!!"

I sigh, trying to move my throbbing hand, " I don't hate you.... but my hand does."

Instantly, Tobi grabs my hand and I yelp, "Tobi is so sorry Maid-chan's hand-" Hidan yanks Tobi off of me, holding him by his collar. 

"Oy! You little piece of sh*t! Only I can f*cking hurt the d*mn maid!"

With an eye twitch, I hit Hidan over the head with a frying pan, "Watch it, you shitaki mushroom."

Everyone stares at me in bewilderment for a few moments before Kisame breaks the awkward silence, "Um.... what does Hidan have to do with mushrooms?"

I giggles slightly and sling the pan over my shoulder with a grin, "Everything..... yet nothing at all!"

Itachi steps over to me with a soft smirks and places my hand under some cool tap water as he explains my nonsense to everyone, "She isn't talking about the mushrooms per say... she just doesn't like to cuss." He glances at me from the corner of his eyes, "Right Riri?"

Smiling softly, I nod. "Right Weasel."

Hidan rolls his eyes and storms off mumbling, " She's a f*cking Jashinest but she doesn't like to f*cking cuss.... D*mn, what the h*ll is the world coming to?!"

I sigh and flip my hair away from my eyes, glancing at the silent plant man in the corner. "Hey Zetsu-san." Shooting him my friendlyest possible-please-don't-eat-me smile.

Both Zetsu sides look at me for a moment before the white half speaks, "Hello Riri...." the black half licks their lips, "Hm.... you smell devine... I don't care about names, I'm hungry!"

I stiffen, but don't move. Itachi's eye harden and flash into a vibrant ruby-red as Kisame steps up beside us defensively. 

~End Chapter 4~ 

Heh heh... I'll end it there. Sorry it took so d*mn long guys.... I just haven't had much insperation lately.

Deidara: Psh, yeah right, un! You're just too lazy!

Me: *glares* Brat!

Sasori: Not this again....

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