Chapter 2

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Greg's POV
"Greg comon! You have to go out eventually! You are going to die in that room! At least eat something!" I heard Donald and others yelling and knocking on my doors. I sat in the room which used to belong to T and I, looking at the engagement ring T gave me when she left me. Why I haven't rush to her and stop her? Instead I froze at the doors. "Greg? Are you alive?" I heard Donald again. "Not rly!" I yelled back. I haven't eaten for days now. All I do is sit in the room, watching that ring, watching our photos and...crying. Yea crying. Guys can have feelings too you know!

"Greg eat something! You gonna die!" Bumper said. "So what if I do? I couldn't care less!" I replied. I honestly thought few times about killing myself I swear to you. "But if you die who's gonna get T back?" On the mention of her name I jumped a bit. "She will never come back anyway." I said. "She wont if u dont eat this." He said again. "All right leave it next to the doors I'll pick it up!" I said. "I dont trust u but fine!" He said.

I heard all of them going away. I stood up and picked up food. They made T's favorite. Fried meat, with fries and green salad. Also a cup of cold cola and a green tea. "This wont help me forget her!" I yelled. "We know!" I heard someone yelling. I locked myslef back in the room. I cant eat but I will. For her.

Gosh I miss her so much. Hey how far is ground from the window? i opened window and checked. Its about 20 m. Should be enough if I ever get courage.

Tihana's POV
"I CANT BELIEVE THIS! YOU ARE HERE OMG YOU ARE HERE!" Yelled Sunshine, my incredibly hyperactive friend. "Yeah." I said while smiling and hugging her. "Well helloo! Did you get me something from America?" Asked my other best friend Lucija. "Oh Lucija of course I did." I giggled. "Ola Tihana!" Greeted me Petra. "Ola!" I greeted her back. "Dont forget me!" I heard Hana yelling. "Come here you!" I said and we hugged.

"Tell us about America!" Said Lucija. "Did you go to Strubucks?" Asked Hana. (We dont have Strubucks in Croatia) "where's Greg?" Asked Sunshine. "Was it hard out there?" Asked Petra. "Guyss calm down!!" I said. "So in America was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It freaking cool there! Yeah I did went in Sturbucks duh! It was awesome. And no it wasnt that hard out there cause you know once you get used to speak English..." I said, answering all of theirs questions, except..."And Greg? You didnt answer me!" Said Sunshine. "Well...I kinda dont want to talk about it you know? Just not now." I said as they all nodded.

We had lots of fun cause we were in our favorite spot called 'Aleja'. Its something like park where all of our friends come. "Tihana look!" Yelled Sunshine.


So first 2 chapters of third book 😁
I know it sucks but im trying to finish the story so I dont leave u guys hangin' 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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