Chapter 50

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The dress is on, my hair done and just the right amount of makeup done too. I really like this dress right now.

"Honey, you look so beautiful." My dad says and kisses my forehead.

"Thanks dad." I say and look at myself in the mirror. I try really hard not to look at Neal who I know is standing behind me. I can just imagine his expression. His disapproval. How he is thinking 'if your dad knew he would never talk to you again.' and he's right, he wouldn't.

"Stefan will be here now, I have to go." I say and take my stuff.

"Okay sweety- remember be home at 2." My dad says and looks at Neal afterwards.

"Neal will be there too with some other teachers- so behave." He adds and Angelina is standing next to him, taking pictures. As much as I try to hate her, I can't. I'm glad she's with my dad. She makes him happy and when I can't convince him to let me do something, I can always make her talk him into it. Tori walks down in a blue dress, looking like those girls in the movie, walking down the stairs and then their date's waiting. Neal is standing and looking at her too. I walk close to him and whisper "Watch out, don't drool over her in front of her mom." I say sarcastically and he looks away. Stefan knocks on the door and I leave.


We walk in at the door and someone takes our picture. The hall is elegantly decorated and snacks are lined up in the corner. It looks very good.

The teachers are here to make sure we don't drink. That is the unfortunate thing about school events. They have strict rules about alcohol, if anyone gets caught, they will be send home.

Stefan and I walk over to a table and sit. Stefan is moving too. He'll move back to his old town, he doesn't like it that much here. Even though I have tried to make him feel a part of everything, he doesn't. He barely has any guy friends over here. He made a few, but he doesn't like them. Even though K.C is not here anymore, everybody is still treating Stefan the way they used too. Mason doesn't like him either. They are not fighting or anything, but Stefan isn't the most popular guy among them. He leaves when the vacations start. 1 ½ month left.

"You want a drink?" He asks. They have several flavours of soda, they have punch and water.

"Yes please, just a soda or something." I say and he walks up to get us both something to drink. As he disappears, Jennifer and Matt show up next to Bridget and her date. They sit down at the table and start talking about how cool this party is. Then Rachel shows up with Mason. She sits down and pulls Mason down next to her. I look at him for a second then back at Rachel. She's talking about how much it sucks that they can't drink. All I am thinking about is Rachel and Mason doing it. I know, I'm disgusting- but I can't help it. Rachel obviously seems experienced and Mason? Well do I have to say anything? I can imagine it to be wild. A lot of pushing and pulling. I wonder if she sleeps at his place and he does the same little things he used to do with me. I don't like Mason in that way, but I just can't figure him out, and it annoys me.

"Here's your drink." Stefan says and I look up at him. He's holding a glass with sprite I think. I take it and thank him for it. They turn up for the music and the dancing floor is already filled with people.

"Let's all dance!" Matt says and takes Jennifer's hand.

"Yeah!" She says and stands up too waiting for the rest of us. Bridget and her date stand up too. Stefan looks at me, trying to see if I want to. I take his hand and pull him up. Rachel is trying to make Mason stand up, I want to tell her not to sweat it, Mason will never ever dance, even if you gave him a million bucks, but I am pretty sure she will find out in a bit.

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