Chapter 1: Enter John Spencer

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Nerven, the city of ends of and beginnings once known for its significant streets and high skyscrapers and several people living in the town, could be described as close to 1 billion has dwindled to that of a city that consists of 900,000 with towers crumbled to the ground streets broken and beyond repair and trash piled up in streets. Since the war, it has been known to be one of the most fantastic, a city of untold resources and a place that still tries to hold its value... sorry, value. People in this city are trying to survive by stealing and selling... off others. Some people still try to live legitimate... okay, what type of crazy kid runs on top of a collapsing skyscraper like that. I mean, this kid is just running on this old ancient ruin and thinks it's not going to... he just fell in the broken window. Well, all we'll that end's we... what's that noise? The sound of the kid busting down the wall of the old building and jumping across to another facility. I mean, seriously, why on earth would a boy wearing some old raggedy clothes and carrying a backpack free running on top of an ancient building like that.

The nerve of kids these days. Wait, what's that in his hand he's looking at it as it's something of... this kid stole some money. Now that I look at this skyscraper, it is a place where criminals tend to dwell because it might be a broken skyscraper, but many people have turned it into a new complex instead of trying to get rid of it. But still, you would expect anyone to be chasing this kid in a more decent... take that back looks his pursuers are doing the same; either way, I think it's in his best interests to RUN LIKE HE'S ON FIRE!!! As the boy ran faster and faster, jumping off a building to building until finally landing on the ground and started running through the streets, a Group of Cybers chased after the boy. They all have different types of cybernetics implants and enhancements with old dirty-looking armor, and some could say that even their cyber enhancements look barely functional. Let's get closer and hear what they are saying. One Cyberman kept yelling out with an angry voice that kind of blew my eardrums out.

Maybe moving in close wasn't my better idea anyway, he's saying, "Come back here! Come back! Give me my money back!!! You Little Punk!! Give back my 100 rubies!! But the boy did not pay them no mind or any attention really, he kept running and running. Jumping over or throwing cars and going through abandoned buildings and houses, some not really left. In the boy's mind, he's saying, "Rather steal from crooks than others, either way, if I can enter the tournament, then I don't really care, but for now, let's lose these guys. "The boy yelled back,

"Sorry, but if I cared enough to steal from you. You think I would care enough to worry about the consequences later!"

The man yelled at the boy, saying, "you think you can steal from Cybers and get away with it?!! you're dead, kid!!!" as one of the Cybers grabbed an old pipe and threw it at the boy. The boy immediately jumped out of the way, reached in his bookbag, and held a smoke bomb. Then he unhooked the string and throw-end it at the group of Cybers. The smoke started to rise, and when it disappeared, the boy was gone.

The Cyberman was furious that he picked up a rock and threw it in the air. Man, what a baby he even having a tantrum on the ground right now. Well, lucky that ended now I can focus back I was talking about... I think it was the city dock in this location. It's where people who want to travel to the four countries involved in the war go. Those countries involved are Ophiuchus, the country controlled by the 1st Coalition; across from it is Pisces, the 2nd Potential controls this one; on the right of Pisces but above Ophiuchus is the 3rd Enlightenment they control over Aquarius; and across from Aquarius is the Last Credence who resides in Leo.

These are the 4 opposing sides in the war Nerven, like other cities in Gemini, holds the refugees from the war and should have more people in it, but the numbers continue to drop of residents who live here. I mean, this place is just getting worse by the... isn't that sorry I tend to wander off, but I think I saw our little thief head into this old building let's see how much this kid made. The sounds of the kid talking to himself starts to echo throughout this old building. He was basically counting the money he acquired. "96, 97, 98, 99, 100. This is exactly what I needed; with 100 of this, I can add it with the other 200 I got from other idiots that make 300 rubies exactly enough to enter the tournament." If it's going into the war, it's free, but if it's to apply for the tournament, there is a fee of a minimum of 300 rubies. So that's why he stole this, but why? It's just as bad as going into the war.

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