Chapter 39 - What Now?

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Kari’s POV

            The worst part of waking up this morning was knowing that I had to leave again.

            Last night Paul told us we had to get a head start to San Francisco so basically we were herded onto a bus that drove all night. I truly didn’t understand this traveling. We were in Florida. Wouldn’t be easier to fly all the way to California? Apparently not.  

            I when I had woken up this morning, we were still driving. We reached San Francisco around mid-afternoon.

            The whole day I had been feeling a bit down because I knew Simon expected me back in Australia as soon as possible. And now that everything had basically been settled there wasn’t really a reason to delay my departure. The hardest thing would be telling Harry. I could tell he was really happy to have me here again. From the moment I got here, he was either holding my hand or had his arm wrapped around my waist. I found it adorable, but I was concerned that he would never be able to let go.

            After staring at the bus ceiling for a while I wiggled out of Harry’s grasp (see what I mean) and made my way over to the small kitchen area.

            I guess the only other person up was Claire.

            “Hey,” I said walking over to the mini fridge.

            “Oh hey,” Claire says happily.  We both make our breakfasts in silence before sitting down at the table. 

            “So, do you have to go back?” Claire asked me.

            “Yeah. I told Simon that once everything was settled I would go back,” I said.

            “Do you like Australia?”

            “It’s nice. It’s not home though.”

            “Understood. I miss Ireland too. We have to go back after the tour, deal?”

            “Deal,” I agreed.

            “So how do think Harry’s going to take it?”

            “How am I going to take what?” Harry asked, coming and sitting down next to me.

            “Um, I have to leave soon,” I admitted.

            “But, babe, you just got here,” Harry complained.

            “I know, but I promised Simon I’d go back as soon as possible,” I told Harry.

            “Are you sure you can’t stay longer?” Harry asked desperately.

            “I’m sure, but don’t worry. It’s only a month and a half. I’ll be done in Australia and I can come to your last concert. Then we can both go home,” I assured Harry.

            “Okay, well that sounds a little better,” he smiled and pecked my cheek. 

            “Good, because you’re going to have to deal with it if you like or not,” I smirked.

            “You’re mean sometimes,” Harry pouted, “but I still love you.”

            “I guess I love you too,” I said rolling my eyes.

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