"What happened? You look like hell," Newt says.
I look at Newt, so in awe of the fact that he's awake I almost don't believe it. "Oh, I'm the one who looks like hell?" I try to joke.
"So," Newt says, "what's happening here? And please don't sugarcoat it. I think we both know that's not what I need right now."
"Well, your leg is shattered, but we managed to patch it up okay. We think you'll be able to walk in a couple months, but there's no guarantee. Even if you can walk it'll be with a pretty bad limp. And you won't be able to run again."
"Oh," Newt says. He pauses, unsure of what he wants to say. "I- I'm so sorry," he whispers.
"Why are you saying sorry? There's nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I didn't do anything to help. Newt, I want to fix this so badly. I can't stand watching this. It's been months and I still don't know what to say. I know there isn't anything, but what happens if I don't say anything? What if you try again? What if it works this time? What do I do when you've left me all alone? What do Minho and Alby do? I think the only thing I can do is ask you not to do it again. And I know that is the greatest and most impossible thing for me to ask of you, but I have to. We need you here with us. Alby needs you. Minho needs you. And most of all, I need you. Please, if you care about me or any of us at all, just try. That's all. No promises, no commitments. All you have to do is say that you'll try."
"I don't think I can..."
"Please, just say you will, even if you don't mean it. It'll help me, even if you're lying."
Newt doesn't say anything.
"I know that this doesn't fix anything and it's such a horrible, greedy thing of me to ask, but I need this. And I think in a way you might need this."
"I don't need this."
"Fine, you don't need this."
"So this isn't for me?"
"It's for me and Minho and Alby and all of the other gladers who care about you."
"No one cares. If I die you'd all move on. You can live a happier life. You wouldn't have to deal with me."
"Absolutely not. We wouldn't be able to get along without you. At some point we would have to try, but it wouldn't be the same. All of us care about you so much. Please, just say you'll try."
"It doesn't matter."
"If you really can't do this I understand."
"I... I don't know." He's still thinking.
God, y/n! What were you thinking, asking that of him? On one hand, how could I ask him to do the impossible, but on the other hand I need him to do this. I just hope he can.
"Okay," Newt whispers so quietly it's barely audible.
"No promises?"
"No commitment?"
"And you understand this doesn't fix anything?"
"Okay. I'll try my best, for you."

Fanfictiony/n is a medjack and everyday someone brings Newt in to have his cuts treated. Newt is getting worse and worse and y/n doesn't know what to do. tw: self-harm and a suicide attempt (completed)