chapter seven

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Clint, Jeff and I have done all we can to help Newt. We tried our best to get the bleeding in his leg to stop, but he lost so much blood. He's still unconscious, we can only hope that he'll wake up soon.

"Y/n?" Minho asks. "Can we see him now?"

Minho and Alby have been waiting all night to visit Newt. They refused to sleep until they knew he was going to be okay.

"Yeah," I say.

They rush to his side. When they see him, they stop.

"He looks so..." Minho starts to whisper.

"This can't be happening," Alby says quietly.

"When will he wake up?" Minho asks.

"He's still breathing, but we aren't sure if he ever will. He lost so much blood," I say. "Do either of you know why he would do this?"

"Well," Alby says, "obviously it wasn't something he liked to talk about, but the glade isn't exactly the happiest place to live. We all hate it here but, Newt really hates it. I know it gets worse everyday we don't find a way out of here."

"He shouldn't have been running," I say.

"I don't know," Minho says. "We've been thinking about that too, but he wouldn't have stopped even if we asked. I never could though, he needs to find a way out of here. As much as it scares him and as much as he hates it, he needs to go out into that maze everyday. He needs to feel like he's helping in someway. But it's been over a year and we're no closer to getting out than when we first got here, I think he just lost it."

"What do we do now?"

"All we can do is wait for him to wake up."

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