chapter four

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Newt is sitting across the table, smiling.

Minho and I glance at each other. A smile? What's going on? We wait in a shocked silence for a few minutes while Newt continues eating his food with a huge grin.

Finally, Minho clears his throat and speaks up. "Hey shank, what's up?"

Newts smile grows even bigger. "Just another beautiful day in the glade," he replies, giggling and looking down at his food.

Minho glances at me again, his face displaying more concern than I knew was possible.

Newt seems oblivious to what we're doing, so I lean over and whisper to Minho. "What the hell has gotten into him?" I ask.

"I don't know, but we really do need to do something," he says.

"Can we put him in the pit? Just for one night?"

"We only have one cell and it's taken. Besides, Alby would never go for it. He couldn't stand seeing Newt locked up in there, even if it was for the sake of his life."

"Well, we have to figure out something."

"I'll keep watch of him overnight. Nothing ever happens while we're running so that isn't a problem and after we get back we can switch off."

"Good that," I reply.

Newt abruptly stands up and says, "I'm off to bed. This was fun. Goodnight." He rushes away towards the homestead.

"I better follow him," Minho says.

"Goodnight," I reply. "Keep him safe."

"I will. Goodnight."

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