"Y/n?" Jeff calls out. He's in the main area of the medjack shack.
"Yeah?" I reply from inside the supply closet.
Jeff opens the door to the closet. "He's here again."
I let out a sigh. Although I knew it was highly unlikely, I was hoping he wouldn't be back. I hate seeing him like this.
Newt's sitting on the bed and Minho is leaning against a wall, watching over him. Newt never brings himself in, either Alby or Minho has to force him. It's usually Minho, he brings him in after they get back from their run.
"Hey guys," I say.
"Hey," Minho replies.
Newt won't meet my eyes. When I reach for his wrists he jerks them back.
"Newt, come on. We're just trying to help," Minho says.
Newt surrenders, giving me his wrists. Both are covered in cuts, all gushing blood, his arms and hands are covered in it. He winces when I begin putting medicine on the wounds. I almost stop when I see how much pain he's in.
I hate this, having to watch Newt do this to himself day after day. I never know whether to say anything or not. Even if I were to talk to him about it, what would I say?
"Newt, promise me you'll stay here while y/n helps you? Promise me you won't run away?" Minho asks.
"I promise," Newt mumbles back.
Minho exits the small shack, leaving us.
I finish cleaning and bandaging his cuts. Newt still won't look at me, he just stares at the floor.
"All done," I say.
Newt gets up to leave, almost rushing out of the shack.
"Wait. Newt?" I ask.
He turns around but he's still looking away. I guess this is the best I'll get out of him.
"Please be more careful next time, I hate seeing you hurt like this."
Newt quickly looks up then looks back down just as fast. "Okay," he mutters and runs out the door.

Fanfictiony/n is a medjack and everyday someone brings Newt in to have his cuts treated. Newt is getting worse and worse and y/n doesn't know what to do. tw: self-harm and a suicide attempt (completed)