Chapter 8: Trusting the bad boy

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Without you.
Chapter 8: Trusting the Bad Boy

Lillie's P.O.V.
"EAT!" Patrick demanded
I look down once again at the heavenly smelling food in front of me, despite the constant growling in my stomach, I gently push the plate away. If he finds out that I ate without his permission, he will beat me.

I am not allowed to eat unless he says so and, I am most definitely not allowed to eat any of the food in front of me. It is all backed and fried, I must eat nothing but natural, organic and healthy foods. I must remain thin he does, not wish for me to be big. He likes me being small.

I jump at the sound of a chair scrapping loudly against the wooden floor boards. Everyone including myself turns their eyes towards Patrick's towering figure and boy does he look angry at the moment. If it were possible there would be steam coming out of his ears and nose.

"The fucker didn't let you eat did he?" He growls walking towards me threateningly.

I crouch in fear as he gets closer and closer. I never realised until this moment just how big he is. His muscles bulge underneath his t-shirt and he stands a good 6'4 maybe even taller. Compared to my 5'6 frame he is gigantic. What is he going to do?

I notice the others are also watching him cautiously. If they are worried about what h is going to do then I definitely am. They know him better than I do.

I start to hyperventilate and tears rush down my face, the closer he came towards me the more I worried and tried to find a way to escape but, he is too fast and too strong. I will never be able to out run him. Even if I managed to outrun him, I would still need to get past the rest of them. In my current condition there is absolutely no chance that I can get past them all.

Patrick now stands in front on me and reaches his hand out towards my face. I cringe in utmost fear, his hits hurt but, Patrick's hand is double the size. I bring my hands up in an effort to protect my face. I am shocked when I feel a large hand gently wipe away my tears and caress my face. Hesitantly I look up and see the concerned looking face of the town's most notorious bad boy, Patrick Reade.

Everyone watches in awe as he lifts me from the chair before sitting down himself and, once again pulling me towards him on his lap. I lean my head back into his chest and he rests his head against the top of my head. All of this seems so romantic to me. He is showing me more love and care than anyone has in my entire life.

Patrick leans forward and picks up a knife and fork before placing a small amount of potato on it. He looks me in the eye before bringing the fork up towards my mouth and encouraging me to open my pursed lips.

"Please eat sweetheart, that horrible boy will never be able to get you now. I promise." Mrs Reade asks pleadingly.

I don't want to offend her by not eating the food that she had cooked. I slowly open my mouth and let Patrick feed me like a small child. I savour the delicious taste of the potato on my tongue, even moaning a little as it slides down the back of my throat. I have missed food that tastes nice and is filling.

Henry has forced me to eat nothing but fruits and salads that is when he actually lets me eat. He starved me for three days to punish me for disobeying him and, for speaking to Patrick Reade. The first night was definitely the worst. I had never seen him so angry in his entire life. He had never beaten me or done so many heinous things to me.

I honestly wished for death, the first few nights but apparently god was not on my side and he allowed the man who, is supposed to love me rein his firsts upon me. Almost choking me into an oblivion.

"Cupcake, you ok?"

I jump and quickly open my mouth as Patrick once again brings the fork towards my mouth. The memories have once again taken away my appetite but, I know that the man whose, lap I sit upon will not take no for an answer. I swallow the food on the fork not even tasting or chewing the food. I repeat this act until half the food is gone. I know that if I eat any more that I will be sick.

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