Chapter 5

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Hey guys :)

So, yes, I did have Lily and Will from Give Him Hell appear here. What do you guys think of Mae? And the chapter? Don't forget the chapter.

Enjoy ;)


“Ice cream!” I told Landon excitedly, as we drove through random neighborhoods (we had left Los Angeles and came to some cheesily small town.) Indeed, the chiming song of an ice cream truck was near. Although we had just finished lunch at In-N-Out – a double-double for Landon, a grilled cheese for me – I was now craving ice cream. “Can we stop?”

He glanced at me incredulously. “Uh, no. I have work to do. You’re lucky I even took you out to lunch. You eat so much that you ran the bill up.” I thought of how, in addition to the grilled cheese, I had taken animal fries, a soda…and a grilled cheese sandwich to-go.

“But…but…but I want ice cream,” I stammered intentionally, staring at him with a beseeching expression.

“Then go to the store,” Landon told me breezily.

I scowled, crossing my arms, dropping the puppy expression I had adopted. “Michael would’ve got me ice cream,” I muttered under my breath.

“Well, I’m not Michael, am I?”

“No,” I said in a way that was supposed to make clear that I thought he was inferior to Michael.

Landon clearly understood as he placed a hand to his heart and pretended to be hurt. He slowed noticeably though. The music neared.

“Hey, wait!” a girl’s voice called loudly. Landon braked automatically, looking around. Looking out the side mirror, I saw one of those typically beautiful girls - with rippling dark hair and blue eyes noticeable even from a distance - running towards the truck. Breathing heavily, she stared into the truck’s open door with an irritated expression and said something.

Taking advantage of Landon’s hesitation, I opened the car door and jumped out, heading towards the truck, yelling at the same time, “Wait up!”

I reached the truck just in time to hear the girl inside mutter, “I wasn’t going anywhere.”

“Well, how the hell am I supposed to know that?” I snapped back automatically. “I don’t have an ice cream truck route paper thing.”

“Well,” she replied, “you wouldn’t. Because there’s no such thing as an ice cream truck route paper thing.” I stared at her, irritated, taking in the crazy brown curls and frustrated brown eyes to match.

“Actually,” chimed in the pretty girl, “there is.”

“I sell ice cream: I think I would know if there was such a thing as an – “

“Excuse me,” the girl interrupted, “what’s your name?”

The ice cream girl paused, raising her eyebrows incredulously. “Why?”

“I would like to know.”


There was a frustrated note in the girl’s voice. “Because I would like to know.”

“Just answer the damn question!” I snapped. “Golly, you guys are giving me a headache. I come to get ice cream and enter a battle of Does it Exist?

“My name is Mae,” the brown-eyed girl said, resentfully.

“That wasn’t so hard, now, was it?” the beautiful girl asked, extending a hand. “My name is Lily.”

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