My Time to Shine! Twilight

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Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight which belongs to Stephenie Meyer. I do own Ravenelle and the music box. No copyright infringement is intended.

‘The music box’

My name is Ravenelle. Just Ravenelle. The name of the family I was born to may be Morren, but I do not belong to a family for they no longer care, they say they do, but they don’t, so I disowned my 17 year old self from them. No relation to them in my mind.

I have a dull life. My life is the life with all the money but no love. I’m lonely. I had no friends, I was either cast off for being snooty ‘cause I was rich or they wanted my money, or I wasn’t snooty enough. I even used the word snooty to stuck up.

My parent had to work all the time and I was an only child, I would trade millions of dollars for a sibling, just one is all I was asking for, and I even asked my parents to adopt. But they wouldn’t have it, they said I was all they ever wanted, the happiest thing of their life, then why didn’t they spend any time with me. I did some times talk to the maids and staff of the house, but really they were paid to, so it was never the same as true companion/friendship.

I asked for a dog, I was so happy of the idea; a cuddly fur ball to play with, to talk to, man’s best friend, or even a cat. But I wasn’t allowed a; as my parents called it, ’Flea bitten mongrel who would chew up my gazillion dollar hair brush’. Ok so I put some words into that.

So I resorted to other measures, Books. The loves of my life. Books of Crime and Mystery, Horror, or my personal favorite, Fantasy. Harry Potter was my ultimate favorite, reading it over and over. Then Twilight came out. I was astonished by the idea of sparkling vampires; it was something different like Harry Potter. In the world of Isabella ‘Bella’ Marie Swan and Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.

Thought the character Edward was a bit creepy stalker-ish it was romantic, in a weird creepy stalker-ish way. Now don’t get me wrong I love him, just don’t want him in my room. I absolutely loved Alice the ‘short’ pixie like clairvoyant vampire and the big teddy bear Emmett. I even liked Rosalie the astoundingly gorgeous vampire. I especially liked Jasper the Southern vampire. Most of all I loved Carlisle and Esme Cullen the parent vampires, the ones I envisioned my parents as.

I read the entire book, as well as the other three when they first came out in a day. Seen every movie the midnight they came out. Liking the second movie better than the first, and the third being the best, I liked jaspers hair better in the third. But the characters in the movies were never as good as my imagination of them on the page.

I got up from bed that morning thinking it would be just like all the other weekend day, boring and uneventful, apart from my usual entertainment. I went for my morning run, just 30 minutes, ate breakfast the cooks made, practiced my tennis; I didn’t really like tennis it was just something you could do by yourself and a machine, and went inside to take a shower.

After my shower and getting dressed in comfortable clothing and my hair in a loose bun I went to go to the library. The mansion that I lived in was very roomy. The first floor, from the front doors was a big hall way connecting to rooms and the gigantic spiral stair case of to the far right end. To the left was the living room. To the right was the ballroom and straight ahead was the kitchen, one of my favorite places, for I loved to eat, but from all the extra time I had I worked out getting an athletic build.

My Time to Shine! TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now