Chapter 1 (New Version)

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Chapter One 




Mimi groaned as she saw the sight in front of her. Her parents were going to kill her.

Wait. Scratch that.

Her parents are going to kill her brother first before they proceed to kill her. It was a good thing she had used the double sided tape Aaron had gotten her three months ago to tape the picture frames and paintings to the wall, the vases and other knick knacks into their prospective places.

“Ugh,” Mimi said in disgust as a couple stumbled in front of her and into the broom closet. Wow, that is so romantic. She knew for a fact that those two had only started dating last week and that the girl is a girl. Guess that’s getting changed tonight. And isn’t that romantic? The girl lost her v-card to a guy she’s known for one week in a broom closet. They’re such a cliché for teenagers nowadays.

Mimi continued walking down the hallway that leads towards the foyer to find her brother. She seriously needs to tell him to tone the party down because she had a bad feeling in her stomach that something bad is going to happen and she’s sure as shit that she’s gonna get burnt for it as well.

Mimi didn’t find her brother in the foyer but she did find most of his friends by the door holding one beer in hand and a bucket in the other. She walked towards... was it Cam or Carl? She forgot. Usually she ignored her step brother’s friends and they ignored her in return but they occasionally talked. Okay, they only talked when necessary. Like now for instance.

“Hey,” she said. Cam or Carl turned and looked down at her. “Have you seen Dylan?”

“Uh, I think I saw Susie drag him towards the living room. Have you checked that yet?” he said, taking a sip of his beer in his red cup. Mimi rolled my eyes. Typical Susie. She loves bragging about the fact that she’s with her brother.

Dylan by far is not ugly. He’s not the most attractive guy in the whole school either but what he is, is he’s insanely rich. Their step father, Jason, is a trust fund baby who invested his money in a lot of business when he gained his wealth when his parents died in a tragic yacht accident when he was only eighteen.

He developed Lawson Inc. where, basically, he buys companies that are near the gutter and rebuilds the company back to its good graces. And then, he sells it to the biggest buyer earning him three times the amount of how much he spent on the company.

Sometimes, when he feels like it, he’ll keep the company and run it as well and he just gets richer.

Mimi’s mother has always loved marrying rich guys. Which is one of the reasons they left Scotland. Turns out, America has more rich CEO’s than Scotland does. And it is relatively better than where they used to live. Mimi’s too young to remember much of it but she does have some pictures of where they used to live. And thank God they moved here.

Sure Tulsa still has those huge spaces of green here and there but where they would have lived back in their home land makes Tulsa look like El Dorado. So that’s saying something.

Mimi maneuvered across the people in the house to get to the living room. She scanned the room and took all of the damages in. She audibly groaned when she found her best friend, Akari rubbing her boobs in the window while all the boys took pictures of her magical breasts. She then moved her eyes to the couches where she’s sure that the stain there is not puke but is instead, pee.

Ew! Who the heck pees in someone’s couch? She thought to herself.

She moved her eyes to the other couches and found her brother sucking faces with his girlfriend, Susie. They’re so oblivious to the outside world that if Freddy Krueger came in here they’d still be making out like crazy.

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