"Hey pumpkin happy late birthday", he says and I grab a cheese ball.

"Thank you but your really late", I say and he laughs.

"So what college are your applying for?", he ask and my face falls we are really close to college one more year.

"No no no forget I said something", he says trying to prevent me from freaking out.

"I don't know Percy", I say.

"What are you applying too?", I ask.

"Stanford", he says and I choke.

"That's hours away", I say getting teary eyed.

"It was on the list I was gonna cross it out don't worry calm down", he says hugging me and I shake my head.

"No i'm not going to stop your education", I say.

"Mads your not I want to go to San Diego State way closer i'm not leaving Mads they don't even have my major", Percy says and I still feel uneasy.

"Alright I was going to go to California State", I say.

"That's like 20 minutes from my school", he says and I smile.

"Yeah it's pretty close I really like that school", I say and he smiles.

"That's my girl", he says kissing my forehead.

"I love you", I say.

"I love you too I missed you a lot the first month was tough without you but I got over it eventually but it's better to have you back", he says and I smile.

"Your a sweetheart", I say kissing his cheek and walking away. I look for Luke and he's surrounded by smiling people and he looks confused.

I stand beside him but a little farther and he looks at me confused and I shrug.

Suddenly a really pregnant women appears smiling and it's Grace and Luke face lights up like he won the lottery.

He runs over to her being careful of the little one growing inside her. He kisses her passionately and I smile.

She whispers and his ear and his face gets happier if that's possible and he turns to us.

"IT'S A BOY", he yells excitedly and we cheer. Me and the boys run up to her also being careful of her tummy congratulating her.

"Grace your so... pregnant", Ashton says and Grace laughs and Calum nudges him in the stomach.

"Grace your glowing ugh I just want to see the baby so bad", I say groaning and she laughs again putting her hand on my arm.

"Yeah me too he's a kicker", she says laughing.

"When's the wedding?", I ask.

"2 weeks away she wants it after the baby's born due to her stomach but she looks beautiful the way she is", Luke says and I awe and someone wraps a arm around my waist and I look and it's Percy smiling smally.

"Congratulations", Percy says and they smile at him.

"Thank you Percy", Luke says smiling.

"What do you want to be when your older?", I ask Percy cuddled into him on his bed.

"Um a dad", he says and smile to myself.

"No I mean job wise", I say.

"That is a job but if I had to choose outside of family I would pick.. a manager or something music wise", he says and I nod.

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