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In the rainiest day of the year, I saw her sitting on the wooden bench, her hands on her head and the world on her shoulders. She was crying and asking for forgiveness for being who she was. She had blond hair, slim body, her nails painted black, a longboard at his side in the torn jeans backpack. It was December 25, 2005, more precisely 00:02, Germany, Amsterdam. When I saw her in that condition I was with a group of friends smiling and celebrating the date, while she was alone lamenting their pain. I did not know her very well, but we had already bogged down in a few times. I was ready to take the most important step of my life, and from far away, that was my last night, I was ready to go back to my country. My exchange was over, the next semester would be the last and finally I would form me. The four college years were ending and with them the best years of my life. Next week I'd be back in Seattle ready to say goodbye to the campus. I tried to move on and leave behind their depressing picture, most could not leave behind. I was pushed several times and driven to move on, but she stuck my eyes on her, it was impossible to ignore it. I told my friends to follow ahead and I find them right away.

I Followed toward her, and sat down beside her on the bench completely soaked, I confess I regretted a litle bit to have been so supportive and finish with my wet pants. I put the hood of my married to try to lessen the impact of rain on my head as I tried to protect me, she was completely exposed and did not seem to care one bit. She was head down, I put my hands on her shoulders and got her sad look in response. I saw her walking so often the corridors of power as safe, as if the world did not matter to her, as if life and others were always at your disposal, and now she was just someone sitting in the side of a square right in the home, in the rain.

We spoke a few times during class, we did double in some studies, we course just on discipline together, have never been friends, she has always been a friend to all, a girl's first period, it was more famouns than an American veteran.

She looked at me as curious, and I completely embarrassed not know what to say. It was as if the situation had been reversed, as if she were giving me some kind of attention. It intimidated me so much that at that moment my poor intention to offer help had become the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Simple, just a look from her, always caused me chills, more than that caused me the impact of fluid and fearless energy of her soul, and while emanated from me just curiosity and fear that the living and distressing her soul crossed into of me. She again broke the earlier this agonizing face, and armed like a cornered animal in the woods, ready to be slaughtered. I confess I trembled from head to toe, and I wanted to get out of there running, but I was next to him, I was his prey now. He was in his hands, and did not even know why.

Seconds voltage, preceded our redemption. I finally managed to speak, even if my voice was just noise in the rain, she heard me and tried to do their best to understand what I was talking about.

_It's alright with you? _My Timid question, relieved some of the pressure I was feeling in my chest.

_ I don't have your answer. _Ela Quickly rose to leave, after delivering her intimately confused response.

_Sit here. _ I pulled her by the arm. Realize she was leaving those conditions, shattered on my body an absurd courage.

She sat again, put the bag down and said no more. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I thought to ask what was going on, but I feared being invasive, thought to get by with their problems again, but leave the object of my curiosity since I had come to Germany seemed impossible. I feared let alone the person I most wanted to do company in the world, even though he did not know what that meant all along.

_Come! Let's get out this rain. _ I again spoke shy.

_ Where we were going? _Ela Covenanted to your posture and I looked closer than ever.

_tWherever you want. _ I answered completely lost in his dark eyes, and sad, and yet but safer than anything else he had ever seen or felt in this life.

She stared at me again, and after a few seconds looking at me, picked up the bag from the floor and stood up. On impulse I got up and grabbed her hand, as if putting seriously my previous proposal, I would not leave her alone, even for a second.

She turned to me, completely shocked and was the first time I saw her surprise.

We started to walk in the rain, the empty street and we are gone, once and for all the world. That night, I went to places the i had never been in life, or thought to be. That night she took me where your feet and your heart dictated recognized. She introduced me to the world I did not know, and allowed me to visit your soul. I met with her more than physically I could meet that night, I forgot my soul, and made sure to disappear for a few hours. I was no longer myself, I was reborn in her arms. I should have offered her help, but she gave me everything he had.

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