My visitor.

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"Hello Jacey." Someone laughed as they emerged from the bed across the white tiled room.

"Hi?" I questioned


"Do you remember me? Oh of course you wouldn't! You have never met me, therefore you don't know me, but let me tell you, I know you." He laughed.

"Who are you?" I asked

"That doesn't matter. Now you listen to me, stay the f*ck away from Troyian. She is f*cking mine, if you even f*cking think about her I will slit both you and her throats. Got it?" He seethed.


I couldn't see his face because of a creepy mask he was wearing.

It was a Mexican style mask.

It looked like it could have been used for a day of the dead celebration.

"Your funny, f*ck off." I laughed.

"I'm serious twitchy. Stay away from her, all she ever does is f*ck everything up. Stay away or I will kill both of you!" He spoke a little louder.



"Oh okay, Mr funny guy, could you leave now because this isn't entertaining." I yawned.

He got up off the bed and trudged across the sparkling white floor until he reached the side of my bed.

"Stay away!" He spat before pulling out a pocket knife and slicing a line down my arm.

I screamed as the blood began to seep through my sleeve.

He ran out just as the school nurses came in.

"Oh gosh! Get a bandage!" One of them yelled.


The gash was about 10cm down my upper arm.

The blood gushed out until the bandage was wrapped around my arm multiple times.

"What happened sweetie?" One of them asked.

"A man was in here and he threatened me then he cut me." I explained as I wiped my tears off my face.


"Oh okay. Well we have called your parents and they can't leave work so they said that you should go home with your friend." She explained.

"Who?" I asked, if she was talking about Troyian I didn't think I told them about her.

"They said you could choose." She shrugged.

"So who do you choose?" She asked.

"Uh Troyian. Troyian Winter." I said and she smiled.


"What?" I asked

"Nothing." She answered all too quickly.

I raised my eyebrow and she giggled.

"I just heard you two talking, you guys are cute." She gushed.

"What was your name?" I asked


"Oh yeah sorry it's Rosemary, I am 34 and engaged to the love of my life Nancy." She answered
"Oh okay. I only asked your name but okay, so your lesbian?" I asked.

"And proud of it!" She nodded.

"I'll just go get your 'friend'." She put quotation marks around friend.


I laughed and she left.

Within minutes Troyian arrived.

"They said I had to take you home." She laughed.

"Take me home then!" I sassed.

We walked out of the school and past all the kids who were stuck in music.


I stuck my tongue out at them and they replied with the middle finger.


We got into her car and began driving.

"Thanks for getting me out of maths." She laughed

"It's cool. I'm hungry, lets stop and get food." I complained.

She nodded and pulled into a small burger place with the name 'Whoppers' on the sign.

"Here?" She asked and I nodded eagerly.

We hurried inside and ordered.

I ordered a massive burger named 'The King'.

She ordered a salad.

"Why didn't you order a burger?" I asked.

"I don't eat meat." She explained.

"How do you live!" I asked.

"I just do. Besides even if I did eat meat my Mum couldn't afford to buy it." She breathed.

"May I ask why you were staying at that crappy motel?" I asked.

"It's a long story." She said as she looked down.

"I have time."


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Corey ♡

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