"That might be our only shot at some money, it's not a great way and it doesn't make us look too good, but I don't have a better suggestion." I said.

"Stealing it is then." Jamie laughed.

Over the next day, we split into two groups. Jamie, Theo and me were hoping to make some money. Blade, - who was recovering very well from his injury - Jason and Madi were all out looking for enchanted humans in nearby villages, forests and towns.

During the busy morning rush, Theo and I decided to pickpocket a packed crowd, waiting outside a large chain coffee shop. It seemed a little odd, but we didn't let it bother us. Jamie was looking for potential items to smuggle off the market she knew they were holding on the very outskirts of the town. I tried not to draw any attention to myself as blended into the crowd. I was wearing gloves, which stopped the blue glow I had around my hands when I was using my abilities from being visible.

Slowly, I approached a target. A very tall, business like man. He wore a dark blue suit that fitted his bulky frame a little to snugly, making his wallet obvious. I lifted my hand very slightly and could feel the wallet in the outside pocket of his suit. I carefully brought it to me, and clasped it in my hands. My eyes darted round quickly, making sure no one had noticed. I opened the wallet gently and took out the money within. A helpful 30 cash was inside and i gratefully folded it and slipped it into my own jacket pocket. I then used by abilities to move the wallet back into the man's suit. I dropped back out of the crowd and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

This procedure lasted all day, until I finally met back up with Theo and Jamie. "How did you guys do?" I asked.

Theo was the first to speak, "120 cash." He took it out of his pocket as proof, a grin evident on his face.

Jamie opened her rucksack, showing us the loaves of bread and a couple of jackets she'd managed to pick up over the course of the day. "I'm sorry, there are useless items but the market wasn't very good but it was crammed with people."

"It's fine, they'll still be useful." I said.

"What about you Apryl?" Theo asked.

"Oh, 90 cash. I think that's enough, let's go back and how the others got on with searching."

We stroll back to the safe house as there's no need to hurry, we weren't even sure if they would be back yet. The small cobblestone pathways were uneven and tripped us up at every step. The dim streetlights were a failed attempt at illuminating the road, and gave the evening air an eerie feel. I could see the safe house now through the murky yellow light of the lamps above us, and could make out 3 silhouettes walking towards it.

"How did you guys get on?" I asked quietly as we near the door.

Madi shook her head, "No luck, people are saying a trio of them have been lurking around, but we couldn't find them anywhere."

"That's too bad, we have a bit of cash now, we can all go looking tomorrow." Jamie replied.

"Right, tomorrow, we pick up the trail where you left today." I decided.

By this time, Theo has re-picked the lock - he locked it as we left this morning so no one went in - and we all enter the comfort of the safe house again.

The next morning shines bright, with the only cold coming from the brisk wind. The six of us trudge through the forest, following a dead trail. Blade shows us the occasional crushed grass that suggests someone has been here, but other than that, we had nothing to go on.

After a few more uneventful hours of searching, there's a rustle from the tress to the left of us. Could be a squirrel, but the noise was a bit too loud. Cautiously, we step around the tree, Jason and I. The others had split into two more pairs and had head about 20 minutes ago in different directions. I nod to Jason, who turns into his usual eagle form, and flies up towards the tree.

He lets out a shrill shriek and another scream, human this time, can be heard throughout the forest. Jason drops back and into human form. "I think I scared them." He grins sheepishly.

"It's okay, we're like you, and we're friendly." I call out to the tree.

There's another rustling in the trees as they decide whether to jump. Three figures simultaneously drop from the tree to the ground, staring at us, unsure. "What do you what?" The first asks.

I'll start with introductions, that can't hurt, right?

"I'm Apryl, this is Jason."

"We are enhanced, just like you guys, and you could say we have a proposition for you." Jason adds.

The second figure steps forward, a girl this time, "I'm Frost and this is Rose," she points to the girl to her left, "and that's Taylor."

Taylor then takes another step forward, only one step away from us now, asking "What kind of proposition?"

I merely smile.

With some convincing, we all manage to get the three to join us at the safe house, spending most of the time introducing each other and even sharing abilities. Frost could shift into a crystal ice form; Taylor, well, Taylor could fly; Rose had the ability to send out shockwaves that could seriously harm people.

Once back at the safe house, the debate of whether to join The Gifted, started again. Unlike with getting them to come with us, it really didn't take much convincing. "It sounds like a great idea, that we'd love to be a part of." Taylor exclaimed, speaking for all three of them.

"Great!" Jamie said, and everyone else muttered murmurs of agreement or smiled.

Later on in the evening, Frost directed a question to me, "What do you do again?" at almost the exact moment Blade asked for the salt, which was stood besides me on the table. I smiled, moving the salt over to Blade using my abilities, and raised an eyebrow at Frost. "Does that answer your question?"

"What's now then, I mean, we have some more recruits?" Theo asked.

"I guess it would be finding a more permanent place, a bigger area where we settle." I reply.

"When do you think we'll find a place like that?" Jamie retorted.

"I don't know, but we can't stay here, I think...oh, I think they've noticed us."

"Who?" Rose asked.

"The towns people," Jason said, pointing to the window. "and they don't look happy."

I'm hoping this chapter was okay, it wasn't the best in my opinion but the next ones should be better! I'd appreciate it if you could give me any feedback! Also, I'd love it if you could take the time to Vote, Comment and Follow! Thanks!!

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