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Harry's pov

H:guys Eleanor's here

LP: Is Danielle here yet?

(D is for Danielle and E is for Eleanor and P is for Perrie)

D: boys were here!

N: that answers your question Liam

E: Honey where are you?!

Z: Lou!

Louis came running down the stairs with a smile on his face. A smile that was too big.

E: honey what were you doing up there?

H: yeah Lou what were you doing up there

L: I was looking for my old phone case

E: but baby you still have your new one on your phone

L: huh oh yeah I couldn't find it

D: Lou sweetie are you okay, you seem a bit off today

LP: well louis maybe you would like to tell everyone who your friend is upstairs

E: who's upstairs, what's his name?

L: well...she doesn't really know her name

E: oh so you brought a dumb blonde home who doesn't even know her own name, Lou please tell me your not cheating on me

L: every one come into the living room, and ill explain everything

Eleanor's pov

We were all sitting on the black leather couches and I could swear I heard someone upstairs.

E: you know what Lou I think she should come down while you tell the story

L: oh um okay

Sophie's pov

I heard someone walking up the stairs and knocked on the door.

I walked up to it and slightly opened the door. As I did that louis stuck his in the room.

L: hey um.. We kind of need you downstairs

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