4 // Sep. 1, 2015

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pic on the side of my precious!!!!!
@calum5sos: it's your first day of school
6:36 AM

@calshood: thanks, i didn't know!!!!!!!!!
6:38 AM

@calum5sos: very funny. being the great best friend I am I set my alarm and woke up early so i can talk to you while you get ready :)
6:40 AM

@calshood: you're so cute :-)
6:41 AM

@calum5sos: trust me i know
6:43 AM

@calum5sos: what time does class start?
6:44 AM

@calshood: 8:10. brb gonna shower
6:45 AM

@calshood: I'm back did you miss me
7:10 AM

@calum5sos: duh
7:12 AM

@calum5sos: have you told anyone we talk?
7:17 AM

@calshood: nope. well i think my mom can tell I'm talking to someone I like bc I'm always smiling like an idiot at my phone 😂😂
7:20 AM

@calshood: I know that if I tell any of my friends about you they'll make me tell you to follow and DM them... you're my calum :-(
7:23 AM

@calum5sos: what a cutie :) you're my tatum
7:29 AM

@calshood: have YOU told anyone?
7:34 AM

@calum5sos: the boys, which I kind of regret 😂
7:39 AM

@calshood: why...? :(
7:43 AM

@calum5sos: nothing against you! they just always bother me about you and ask for your twitter so they can talk to you as well
7:45 AM

@calum5sos: idk if they'll bother you about me and you or if they'll flirt with you. like I said, you're my tatum
7:46 AM

@calshood: haha 😂😂
7:47 AM

@calshood: leaving for school now, got to go!!!! don't wanna text and drive! wish me luck!
7:53 AM

@calum5sos: good luck tate! have fun on your last first day! love you 😘😘


@calshood: I'm at lunch hi
12:15 PM

@calum5sos: why can't you be like the cool people and text me during class :/
12:18 PM

@calshood: bc my school isn't like "cool" schools. any phones seen during class gets taken away the whole day
12:20 PM

@calum5sos: school or jail you tell me
12:23 PM

@calshood: is there even a difference
12:24 PM

@calum5sos: v v true. how has your day been so far?
12:25 PM

@calshood: college classes will be the death of me
12:27 PM

@calum5sos: you take college classes?! in high school?! that's a thing?!
12:30 PM

@calshood: for smart people it is
12:31 PM

@calum5sos: oh ya I guess I was never smart
12:33 PM

@calshood: I know, you dropped out
12:36 PM

@calum5sos: you know you bring that up a lot :(
12:37 PM

@calshood: it's funny
12:39 PM

@calshood: I have to go back to class now. talk to you later :-)


@calum5sos: are you done with practice yet!!!!
5:21 PM

@calshood: yes i am
5:23 PM

@calum5sos: hi :)
5:26 PM

@calum5sos: luke keeps on asking me for your twitter
5:28 PM

@calshood: luke's hot
5:30 PM

@calum5sos: am i
5:31 PM

@calshood: that's something a fuckboy would say
5:33 PM

@calshood: are you a fuckboy
5:34 PM

@calum5sos: I hope not
5:38 PM

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