Chapter 3: Supplies

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"So what's the next step?" Colleen asked me.

She was covered in zombie blood just like everyone else.

"Well I'm thinking some of us run out to Tanner and Teddy's trucks. They drive to the Walmart and Home Depot. People at Home Depot get wood and nails to board up the doors. People at Walmart get food and other supplies. Sound like a plan?" I asked her.

"Yeah sounds good, who else do you want to take?" She asked me.

"Well Teddy and Tanner will drive the trucks. I'll go with Tanner and take Ryan with me to Walmart. Spencer and Skylar will go with Teddy to Home Depot. You should take care of everyone here."

"I can do that. So while you guys do that I'll make sure Jess and I and the others clean this place up." Colleen said.

"Okay sounds good, I'll get the supplies I need and we will head out."

After about 30 minutes or so, the six of us ran outside to Teddy and Tanner's trucks. It was pretty crazy with how many zombies were outside. But once we got in the trucks the zombies started to follow in our direction, away from the school.

After 10 minutes Tanner, Ryan, and I made it to the Walmart. It was pretty deserted but that was good for us. We made our way inside and went right for the can food isles. We took cart loads of food and piled them up in the back of the truck. The three of us walked back inside.

"Alright Ryan you fill a bag full of gauze and bandages. Tanner fill a bag full of different medicines. I'll look through the pharmacy. They might have stronger medicine or insulin for diabetics because I know Ethan will need it." I said as I went into the pharmacy.

I looked around and saw two pill bottles full of OxyContin. I took them cause I knew if someone broke a bone or something they would need some medicine. As I looked through it more I found 5 things of insulin. I was glad cause I knew Ethan couldn't survive without it.

I walked out and saw the boys had finished.

"The last thing we need are guns." I said to them.

"Well we can go to the hunting section, they should have some." Tanner said, as we walked out to the truck.

"Sounds good. After that we will go to Home Depot and meet up with Teddy and then head back to the school." I said.

We walked to the hunting section. Ryan grabbed three handguns and a shotgun. Tanner got two handguns and two sniper rifles. I grabbed ammo for the guns and a couple bats. I also grabbed a bow and arrow. We loaded the truck up and then headed to Home Depot.

When we got to Home Depot we saw Teddy's truck full of wooden planks.

"You guys get the supplies you need?" I asked them when I got out of the truck.

"Yeah." Teddy said. "We got a lot of wood and nails to board up the doors at the school."

"Also Lexa, I got about two saws and four axes so that we can cut firewood." Spencer said putting them in the trunk.

"That's great. We got a lot of food so I think we should head back and get this all started." I said and they nodded in agreement.

We got in the trucks and drove back to the school. When we got there the zombies weren't there. The others came out of the school and helped up unload all of the supplies. Everyone was working together as a team.

"Alright I need to see Teddy, Tanner, Colleen, Ryan, Jess, and Spencer." I said and saw them all walk over to me.

"Lexa what do you need?" Teddy asked.

"Well Teddy and Tanner, I want you guys to take some people and board up the doors. Spencer can help you after I tell him what he needs to do so you can go get started." I said.

They nodded their heads and walked off, grabbing some guys on the way to help them.

"Spencer I know you are good with a gun, I've seen you shoot with Dad. I want you to figure out a way to get to the roof from the inside. You can go and take someone with you so you don't hurt yourself."

"Will do. And I don't hurt myself that much." He laughed, walking away.

"Ryan, you are going to be our doctor. You took those nursing classes at the Tech Center so you know the best out of all of us. I want you to find a room that you could use as a hospital and take the medical supplies and place them there. Also I picked up a doctor textbook so study that." I said to him.

"I can do that." He smiled and walked away, grabbing the medical supplies.

"Now Jess, I want you to take a few people and put the food away in the cafeteria. You need to find out how much the food we got will last." I said and she nodded walking away.

Colleen looked at me and smiled. "And what do you need me to do commander?" She asked, jokingly.

I smiled and just shook my head. "I want you to be like the second in charge. I mean you and I can come up with great ideas together and we need that. So that's what I want you to do."

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Of course Colleen, I trust you."

"Well then of course." She smiled.

"Alright, let's go help out where we are needed and we will go on from there." I said and walked with her.

After a few hours it was dark outside. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost midnight. We grabbed blankets and everyone slept in the lobby. I sat up, my back against the wall. I looked around at everyone. I saw Skylar get up and sit next to me.

"You should get some rest." Skylar said to me.

"I just can't, I mean this is it. This is our life now." I said to her.

"Yeah but hey you made this happen. I mean we couldn't have done all this without you."

"Thanks." I sighed.

"I heard you gave the others jobs. Do I have one?" She asked me.

"I haven't thought of one yet but you will soon. I just need time to think where you'd be best at." I said.

"That's fine, just let me know." She said as she stood up. "Get some rest Lexa."

"I will."
Thanks guys for reading Chapter 3 of Leaders! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will tell you the next chapter will introduce Clarke! Yay! But please vote and comment, I love hearing from you guys. Tell me anything you'd love to see in the story, advice, or just say if you like the story. Thanks! Bye!

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