Chapter 9

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Smiling happily and giggling (Name) continues swinging to her hearts content, while the men quickly scrambled onboard the ship. "She was on my ship so I win!" yells Luffy laughing and posing with his fist in the air. "Idiot!" swinging their fist on Luffy's head causing him to crouch down and rub it. "Ace! Tra-guy! That hurt!" shrugging at the rubber mans words Law sighs and sits on the railing watch as fire fist and rubber brain got into a fist fight. Shaking his head Marco calmly walks over to (Name) smiling slightly seeing that she was having pure fun on something so trivial. "(Name) are you having fun-yoi?" "Huh? Yeah I am! I've never done this before so it's exciting! It's like I'm flying, and I think if I swing higher I could touch the sky with my feet too." Smiling at her Marco walks behind and lightly pushes her on the swing to help with her going higher. The only sound that was heard was her giggles as everyone stares at her in shock wondering what she meant by this was her first time. "(Name)?" Nami asks uncertain at the young (h/c) girl, "Have you never played games or anything as a child growing up?" She looks at them and slows down her swinging with Marco's help. Looking at everyone she tilts her head, "Um, I don't remember anything really. Only what I know when Cap found me actually. I don't remember ever playing games, or having a family. The only thing I do remember is the big scary man who made me fight a lot and stick me with needles. That's all really nothing else. Shoot I can only remember my full name and that's it!" Closing her eyes smiling she laughs loud and swings her feet a little. "But it's ok because I got Cap now and all of you are my friends right?" looking at them smiling she notices that everyone was giving her different looks. Luffy, Law, and Ace were straight face their hats covering their eyes. Robin and Marco kept a neutral expression thinking about what she said. Thatch, Nami, Brook, Chopper, Shachi, and Penguin were crying their eyes out in disbelief. Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Franky shake their heads in disgust at the fact she had to deal with that. "That is so not SUPER!" the blue haired cyborg yelled striking a pose with a few other yeahs behind him coming from the Straw Hats. "(Name)... Are you running from him? Is he trying to get you?" Looking at Luffy she shrugs unsure as he looks at her very seriously. "Cause if he is we'll take care of him," Ace looks up at the ocean glaring. "No one should grow up like that at all no matter what," Law looks at her neutral, but upset. Sighing Marco places a hand on top of her head and pats it, "Look guys give it a rest all that matters now is she's safe and having fun. Don't go over board with it ok. Let the girl have fun-yoi." Peering up at the phoenix (Name) giggles to then full blown laughter smiling, "Thanks for worrying, but I am fine ok. Let's have some more fun!" "I think (Name) is right. We should have fun while we still can. So What game would you like to play next?" Smiling at her Robin walks up to (Name) holding her hand.

"I want her to go with someone. She cannot stay here or they will find her Whitebeard." "I know my friend, but she should choose a crew instead of being forced into one. It will happen the child will be safe and sound with who ever she chooses." Taking a drink of his sake he looks at his old friend in the empty bar. Sighing Cap looks at his dear friend shaking his, "It was too much when Roger went away, and now you have his kid. I just don't want her to live a life like that, but with the Marines after her she could end up dead." Looking over his mug Whitebeard gentally placed it down staring at his friend. "Marines? You said that you did not know who was chasing her Cap. Why would Marines be after that child?" Running his hand through his graying hair he sighs slumping into the chair. "I just got word over the snailphone that one of the Marines here talked about her and they believe that she is a government escapee. One that they were experimenting on with devil fruit that they created." Letting the words of his friend sink in Whitebeard sighs tiredly, "Then that would explain why she would never get hurt off training as you said. If she is a devil fruit user, even one that was created, then she needs to learn how to use it without hurting others." Nodding his head Cap takes a drink of his sake while Whitebeard continued, "Now it makes sense why you want her on a crew more than ever. Of course it would be easy for her to be on mine since most are devil fruit users, but any crew will do." Peering up at the old pirate Cap nods leaning back in his chair, "Let's hope she makes a good choice." "Indeed, oh will you be joining us on the ship tonight with the child? It would be like old times, and she could get to know everyone." Taking another sip of his sake Cap nods his head, "Most likely."

"That was so much fun!" jumping up and down (Name) smiles wide and stops sitting on the grass with the Straw Hats since Law and his group went on errands so did Ace, Marco, and Thatch. Chopper smiles laying next to her panting after that long game of tag on the ship, "Yeah, but if someone didn't use their powers it would have been more fun." With a chorus of yeah the group glared in the direction of their captain who was smiling at them. "SHISHISHI! Who cares no rules against it," smiling (Name) sits with the girls happily taking in the sunshine. "So (Name) have you ever thought of joining a crew before?" Nami said simply while sipping on her drink to cool down. Shaking her head no her pony tail came down causing her hair to go everywhere coving her face. Girlish giggles could be heard which made the boys wonder what was going on. Walking over to them Sanji covers his mouth to restrain himself from chuckling, Zoro quickly looks away laughing, Franky blinks at her wondering what was going on. Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy yell monster as everyone laughs louder at their comment which caused (Name) to laugh and pull her hair out of her face. "Hi," she smiles and waves a little at them, Nami sighs finally over her laughing fit and instructed the girl to have her back face the orange haired female. Taking the pony tail holder and the brush from Robin she quickly brushed out (Name)'s hair. Blinking slowly the small girl closes her eyes and starts falling asleep at the soothing actions, "All done (Name)." Waking up quickly she blushes at everyone laughing at how she was falling asleep, or blushing at the cuteness she was. Reaching up gentally touching her hair she feels not a pony tail, but two instead. Turning around to face Nami looking serious everyone got quiet, "Um, (Name) is something wrong?" Looking at her she hugs the brown eyed female with pink on her cheeks, "I like it... I've never had anyone but Cap do my hair. He only does pony tails... I like this thanks." Smiling Nami hugs her back and mumble only for the girls to hear, "So you never had any girlie things huh? Like an older sister or even pigtails?" Feeling the small girl nod against her chest Nami smiles and pulls away, "Well I can do it for ya anytime (Name) no problem." Giggling she smiles at everyone feeling in her heart that she could trust them,

'Maybe this is where I belong...'

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