Chapter 14 - . . . and Satisfaction brought it back

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~When she stood up the prince looked into her face, and he recognized the beautiful girl who had danced with him. ~

Brian couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

After he pulled the fire alarm to get out of Theater, he didn't expect to see the 'it couple' at school going at it like that.

And he caught it all on video.

He was just taking his leisurely time walking back to class when he saw Peyton rushing down the hall. Scared that Mrs. Hanson sent Peyton to look for him, he ducked down the side hallway. But when he kept going, Brian got a little curious. Where was Peyton going looking so mad? Had someone scratched his Mercedes or something?

Brian followed him all the way outside, where he hid behind a bush to keep Peyton from seeing him. Evelyn Queen was standing there behind the bleachers, obviously there to see him.

Brian immediately took his phone out and pressed record, certain that he was going to some action.

(Don't judge him, he's a perfectly normal hormonal teenager)

But what he got was way better.

The whole 'win a date with Peyton Charming contest' was rigged. Evelyn stole the winning prize from that weird girl, Cindy Woods. Evelyn was also willing to go to the public with lies to keep Peyton from telling people the truth.

This was juicier than when the whole school found out that Bea Evans was fucking Mr. Korman. She got expelled and he got fired, but that wasn't the point.

Evelyn just revealed her inner demon and the fact that Cindy was the real winner of the contest . . . and Brian just got it all on camera.

When she stormed off, and then Peyton soon afterwards, Brian walked out of the shadows with a smug grin. He was even more awesome than he previously thought.

Now, what to do with such information?




Cindy had gone to her next class way before Peyton even made it back in the school. She knew that Fanny would be upset with her for not telling him, but it wasn't her fault that he had run out of there before she had the chance.

By the end of school, Cindy hadn't been able to find him again. She walked out of the building feeling in low spirits. Every minute that she hadn't been able to find him and tell him the truth had just convinced her more that his reaction wouldn't be good anyways.

When she got to Fanny's car, Fanny was already there. She stopped her before she even asked. "No, I didn't tell him."

"But why?" Fanny whined, already started the car.

Cindy sighed and strapped on her seatbelt. "He got a text message right after I walked back in class. He got all angry and left the room in a hurry. He didn't even come back after the bell rang. I didn't see him at all the rest of the day, so I couldn't bring it up."

Fanny sighed this time and pouted. "Well, maybe you can tell him tomorrow."

"Yeah." Cindy said halfheartedly. "Just take me to the coffee shop. Tracy has me working overtime this week. Evelyn must've let something slip to her."

A couple minutes later, Fanny had dropped Cindy off at the coffee shop and she was already in the awfully pink uniform that Tracy had recently added.

But when she turned to get the order from the next customer, she was surprised to find Peyton Charming standing in front of her. Since the normal crowd from the school hadn't shown up yet, she thought it would be a good a time as any to talk to him.

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