The One That Got in Between

Start from the beginning

"Don't let her get to you." Carlos spoke lowly to me where I just shook my head a bit at him. He should know how she is on the field. He was there. If not so then probably running in fear over a stupid dog.

"She have already did on the Field and I can't do anything about it." I whispered back to him to where I just plastid a smile on my face trying to hide away the anger. Hoping she won't notice.

Evie jumped straight in. "What? How?" Evie decided to ask as she came to sit next to Carlos to where Mal was still looking through her book. I went to my dresser to pull out my cheer outfit. I quickly stuffed it in a bag and zipper it closed to kneel down to the group.

I did a quick saying before I decided to leave. "Because she is my cousin. Her parents is Uncle Simba and Auntie Nala." I told her to see Evie just as stunned as Mal was. She try not to keep to focus as she kept going through her book of spells. I walked pass them to Jay and Samoa who was just staring at each other eyes. I clear my throat and Jay eyes lock away to me. I just nodded at the two to where I put my hand on my hip. Finally, they stop staring at each other. "Alright, let's go. I'll just do a quick change in the bathroom before practice starts." I told her before kneeling down to get the pom poms that was on my bed with me.

"Wait. Scarlett." I heard Jay voice from behind me making me turn around back at him. I have turn around to face to him. I watch him lay body frame onto the door. "I was trying to ask you this earlier and I was wonder if you want to..." He started but got interrupted by Samoa.

I looked at the girl who was looking as if she was trying not to exploded. Really it like she is doing this on purpose. It sure seems like it. "Come on, Scarlett. We have to go practice. It's really hard from last time and if you know Audrey...than you will hate it when we be late. So, let's go." Samoa have chatted up to where I only just nodded at her weird acquisitions.

"Just asked me before the game,okay?" I told him to where he only nodded watching his frown come a bit upon me. I walked with Samoa. As we meet up with Audrey and we practice our cheer. Samoa wasn't kidding when she says these cheers were no joke. They really hurting my arm and legs. Goddess,I hate her. I can't wait to go back to my dorm and just fall asleep. I don't want to be bother for the rest of the night about this.



We were done making the cookies as we all had that terrible heart break over what Lonnie said by accident. We were making a love spell but we had to back it into a cookie. We all went back to our Dorms as I layed on the bed. Carlos came as he layed next to me with his new Dog, Dude.

I just keep thinking about what Samoa was doing. Was she even thinking? Does she like me? Was she acting like that on purpose? Was she trying to get me mad or get Scarlett jealous? I don't know it could be my thoughts getting to me. "Jay!" Carlos called out as I got out my thoughts. I just stared at him. "What are you always thinking about everytime we come in here?"

I just looked at the ceiling up at the ceiling before adjusting myself. "Scarlett and her cousin...Samoa!" I spoke out before I started play with my fingers not really to looking at them at the process.

" have a crush on Samoa, I thought you had a crush on Scarlett. Wait...Samoa is Scarlett cousin?"

Carlos trailed on making me very irritated. " Yes, Samoa is Scarlett's Cousin. You. Were. There." I yelled out to him making me turn my head to see Carlos just petting Dude on the head. He stared at me before speaking out.

"Well, excuse me. I'm forgot that I am slow." He spoke out making me look at him to see he was smiling a bit at his own comment. I just shake my head at him before looking back at the ceiling.

"And yes, I do have a crush on Scarlett but their's something not right about what she did. What she's doing is more like it. When I tried to ask Scarlett the evil question, she just keep interfering like she doesn't...want me to be with her." I explain it made me got up from my bed to only sit down into the floor next to Carlos bed. I looked at Dude and put my hand out to pet him.

"Wait. How was she looking at you?"

Carlos asked me. I stopped to put my back into my thoughts trying to remember the exact face she was doing. It was all super weird but if all girl act like this on Auradon, I might just head back to the Isle . "A little flirty and she looks like she is about to...kiss me!" I told him a bit shockingly. Carlos got up and looked at me worried.

Did I say something wrong? I gave him the answer what he asked. "Dude,she is totally digging on you." He explain making me look at him even more confused. I not the way he said it because I am more confused at the words he decided to use making me rise from the floor.


I've asked him before he started shaking his head at me. "Look. You can't let her get between you and Scarlett or even let her go near you. Now, go to bed. We got a big day tomorrow." He said it like a crazy person. I only rolled my eyes before I went to my bed. "Okay, Dad." I spoke in a sarcastic tone before I layed on my bed. Wrapping myself into the covers and thought about the whole situation until I have fell asleep.

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