"I didn't know you're a waitress too. I must either be the luckiest or unluckiest man on earth".

I laugh softly and say,"Yeah, I think you need to leave my room. For all I know you're a pedophile waiting for your prowling moment".

You should see his face. It's priceless. "What-you didn't think I'd find out?" I scoff and say,"Do close the door on your way out", I turn back to my closet and see my baby blue set of pjs. I bend over to pick it up. When I'm up straight, I feel him against me and gasp. "Careful what you say or you'll turn me into one", he whispers in my ear. His breath made things happen to me that I never even thought were possible.

"Get off!" I push him back with my butt. I turn to face him and say,"Careful hubby or we won't be sleeping in the same bed".

"Why would I wanna sleep with you? I'd rather screw a pig".

I scoff my mouth gaping open and I say,"You are so weird. Why would you wanna screw a pig? It's disgusting".

"Well, it's better than you".

"Oh go screw yourself". I start to get into my pjs. When I look back, he's leaning against the bed post. I frown confused and ask him,"What? Why are you still here?? What do you want??"

"I wanna know why you hide behind all of this. Is it really worth it?"

I look away. How can he see through me? "Look. You don't know me so just back off".

"I agree, but being your hubby, I have to know you even if we don't love each other. At least we'd be able to communicate living in the same house", as I turn to face him is when I realize how close he is. He puts my hair behind my shoulders. "You're beautiful. I don't want you to think that you're anything less. I look forward to you letting me in", he smirks and walks out of my room. I stand there for another two minutes registering what he just said to me. Maybe I should let him in... Then I'll win the fight because dad will lose. But how can I trust him? He's probably just making a fool outta me. With that conclusion, I get under the covers and settle in for a nap.

---------------------- x ------------------

I can hear her panting, whimpering and objecting. I have the strongest urge to open her door. It's right before me. I can just go in. But what if she doesn't want me there? No. I don't care. I'll just be with her to comfort her and leave when she chases me out. I walk in to see her toiling and tossing around the bed. Why doesn't anyone care about her? I hold her by the shoulders gently and begin to quietly call out to her. She shoots up and our foreheads almost knock on each other. Instead we are now here, eye to eye. She's still panting and sweating. She looks confused and terrified. "Are you okay? It was just a nightmare".

She nods and looks down. I want so much to love her and treat her right but as long as she's pushing me away, I'll just back off. She runs her fingers through her hair then looks back up. "Why are you here?"

"Um... I couldn't sleep. You were very loud so, I came to check on you".

She has that face that shows she's touched by my concern but as fast as it comes, it disappears. I scoff with a smile and say,"It's okay. I'll leave. You probably don't want me here anyway. I was just tryna help you out".

She giggles genuinely for once. It sounds absolutely beautiful. "Don't tell me you fear me hubby", she winks.

I like how she calls me hubby. I smile back and ask,"Would it surprise you if I said no?"

She shakes her head and says,"Whatever rows your boat, bubba", she lays on her back. Why does she do this to me? I know what she's wearing underneath. And her in this position is very tempting. I wonder if she's a virgin.... Well, one way to find out. I settle myself on top of her my legs between hers and she shrieks. Like straight up shock-of-my-life type of shriek. There's no way she's had sex before. I got fresh meat. I'm never letting her go now for sure. She pushes me off her. And I land on the floor with a thud, making her shriek again. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" She asks concern laced in her voice. I get up fast since I'm not really hurt.

"No, it's okay. I'll just go. See you in the morning, princess", with that I leave the room.

---------------------- x --------------------

He's really good. He is making me think twice, but yeah. He still has a long way to go. I get up and head to the bathroom and get cleaned up and after I'm dressed up again, I head downstairs to get some sleepy time tea.

After this, I walk back upstairs. I hear him speaking in his room. But who's he talking to this late at night?

"Princess?" I hear as I find myself standing before his bed. He looks at me sleepily.

"Uh... I-I-I was just... I really dunno how I got in here, I swear!"

"Don't worry about it. Just close the door on your way out", he says and covers himself and resettles in bed. I frown and say,"I don't think so", I walk out not touching anything on the way out. I bump into someone but simply revolt,"Watch where you're going punk!" Then I keep walking to my room. I get in bed and sleep.

--------------------- x -------------------

Next morning:

I wake up and brush my teeth. I go downstairs to meet my mom cooking breakfast. "You wanna help cook for your fiancé?"

I look at her like she's lost her mind and say,"Hell no! You should know me better. I'll be back in an hour". I walk back upstairs and change into work out clothes and head out the front door without a word to anyone.

I run for 45 minutes and head back home. When I reach the front porch, I sprawl on the floor for 5 minutes and just take a breather. I'm of course rudely interrupted by my annoying father who says,"Your mother told me about this morning".

"So what?" I ask nonchalantly without even looking at him.

"I want you to stop disrespecting us, Regina. Why must you be so rude?"

"I don't feel like getting into an argument right now. Leave... Please".

He sighs and goes back in. "You know you shouldn't be so hard on them", his soft voice speaks.

"Are you warming up to me? You speak nicer by the hour".

"Well unlike you I'm not naturally mean".

I scoff and sit up, you don't know anything about me. Good luck with trying to figure me out. "Just stay away from me. I hate clingy guys". I stand and see a look of "of course" on his face.

He chuckles and stands too and says,"Get your act right and maybe you just might get everything that you wish for".

I scoff scanning him from head to toe and cackle mockingly. He sighs in frustration and grabs my shoulders very forcefully and blares right into my eyes and says something that I will never forget,"You are such a disgrace. You will never amount to anything. Worthless piece of crap. How can you forget the people who gave you life and treat them like trash? I will marry you whether you like it or not but after I'll just let my servants have their way with you for whatever price, even for free if they want. I hope you die. You heartless, cold b***h", he pushes me away with a frown of anger. A tear falls from my eye uncontrollably. He turns away leaving me there to soak in all the hurtful things he just said to me. I lose strength and just fall to my knees and start sobbing. I then stumble to my feet still sobbing and walk toward the car, I get in and just start driving to I-dunno-where. I just wanna get away....

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