Chapter 2

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I went home that day feeling really confused. Once I unlocked the door to my house I smelt the alcohol bursting threw my nose. I saw my mom in the kitchen with bags under her eyes, smoking.

I coughed gently and ran up stairs to my room locking the door. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and rewind the memories but those kind of things don't happen in reality.

I remember the times when my father was around. We use to go out for dinner and go to baseball games. The times when my mother wasn't drinking and smoking all day long. When she would teach me the right things to do. The times when we were like a small loving family.

A tear dripped down my cheek just thinking about the past. When I was little Kayla and her friends when make fun of everything I did. The way I dressed, talked, or even moved. And Harry would just laugh and call me mean names. Life was horrific for me and still is.

I laid down on my bed placing my headphones on. I fell asleep listening to music playing threw my ears.

The next morning I drove off to school. As I walked in I caught someone following me. I turned around and saw no one there but still felt eyes looking at me. I walked into class early this time and sat down.

As Josh Miller walked into the room my face lite up and my lips curved into a tiny smile.

Josh was the boy I have been crushing on since first grade. He has blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. His smile, the way he speaks, his body. He is just everything I want in a guy. Someone who is kind, caring, and mature.

"Hi Destiny" Josh said while smiling which gave me butterflies in my stomach. "Hi." "You look great today." "Thanks." "She looks more like ugly" Kayla said and Harry laughed at the comment.

What's wrong with this guy. Yesterday he was being nice to me and now he is acting like a badass. I honestly do not get it!

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