Not What You Think

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"Leo faster!" You screamed and he grunted.

"I'm trying (y/n) but this is as fast as I can go."

You moaned, trying desperately to get Leo to go faster. Pull his hair, scream his name, anything. But he was just going too slow.

"Come on Leo please!" You hollered again and he growled.

"Can't you see I'm trying?!" He squirmed around as you gasped.

"Great! We lost the game!" You glared at the screen as your character came in 2nd and Leo's came in last. Your tag team loosing. "Leo."


"You suck at Mario Cart."


Told you it wasn't what you thought. Hahaha.

How many peoples minds instantly went dirty at the first sentence?

You guys are awesome thanks for reading my amazing lovable readers. I think I got my spark back. Peace.

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