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Charlie just couldn’t take it anymore. She knew she did worse things than the ones on the list, but she really couldn’t do anything bad anymore. Although they had never been caught before, today she had a queer feeling that they would.

Ever since they had come into middle school, the mood of her group had changed. She didn’t know how to explain it, but everyday, little by little, her group had gotten more wild. More wild led to scariness. Charlie didn’t want to admit it, but she knew she couldn't stay longer in their group. People would think she was crazy, giving up her entire social life, but Charlie knew the price she would have to pay. No more flirty lipgloss-kissed notes to boys, no more girls staring at her with envy, and most importantly; everyone in her clique would completely ignore her once she left. It would be like she was never there. It'd be similar to what happened with Kristin, but only Allison, Audrey, and Charlie knew where Kristin really went. Sure, some outsiders might have died for a spot on the coveted clique, but outsiders didn't know the secrets they made together, and the ones they kept to themselves.

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