Chat day 9

948 46 10

Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse
Hey guys so as you know Anne is not like this in real life and please don't yell at me for doing this to harry because I didn't create his character my friend did so 😂 yell at her anyways onto the story

Hazza 6758: 😢

Hazza 6758: Hi Lou

Lou 8834: Hey harry

Lou 8834: Why the crying emoji?

Lou 8834: What happened?

Hazza 6758: My mom hit me again

Hazza 6758: For that 40th time

Lou 8834: OMG I'm so sorry harry

Hazza 6758: Because I'm gay 😔

Lou 8834: Harry there is nothing wrong with being gay...

Hazza 6758: I know there isn't but she doesn't accept me

Lou 8834: Why don't you call someone like Gemma?

Hazza 6758: She doesn't live with us

Lou 8834: Can't you call her or the police or someone?

Hazza 6758: But I want you not them

Lou 8834: I wish I could be with you too hazza... I know how hard it is...

Hazza 6758: ):

Lou 8834: Where do you live hazza?

Hazza 6758: In _________

Lou 8834: OMG

Hazza 6758: What?

Lou 8834: I live like about an hour away from you

Hazza 6758: Really?

Lou 8834: Yeah 😃

Hazza 6758: Please come get me

Lou 8834: I will try

Hazza 6758: Ok thank you

Lou 8834: My pleasure what's your address?

Hazza 6758: 8765 ____street

Lou 8834: Ok

Lou 8834: I'll be there soon (:

Hazza 6758: Ok see you soon

Hey guys so Louis is going to see harry what do you guys think? Is this story going to fast or no? Please let me know. But anyways I hope you enjoyed cya soon bye
Love you all❤️

It started on Kik ~ L.S (BoyxBoy) [Editing] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now