"Jameson." She nodded curtly at him and he returned the favour, taking a seat beside me. I glanced back at Jameson, wondering how on earth he seems to be on a first name basis with everyone.

"Right," Dr Zerski wheeled her desk chair around the desk to sit directly opposite me. "Let me have a look." I held out my hand for her and she grasped onto it. She felt around in certain areas, looking for a response every time.

Dr Zerski then grinned and let go of my arm, wheeling herself back around to the other side of the desk.

She looked up at me, "pull off the cast; give your arm a little air." I looked up at her as if she was crazy. To be honest, she probably is.

She laughed at my response, "don't worry, you can slip it off and on now, just make sure you wear it when doing something that requires a lot of physical activity, or just when you think you'll need it." I nodded in response.

Jameson turned to face me, silently offering to pull off the sleeve. I shook my head, only trusting myself not to pull off my arm along with the sleeve. I slowly, and carefully, edged the sleeve off my arm.

When I finally got it off, the air hit my arm like a hurricane. My skin tingled and my arm flinched as the cold air embraced the clammy limb. Jameson watched as my arm got used to the air and I gave him a small smile when he realised I had noticed his gaze.

Whilst writing her notes, Dr Zerski spoke up and drowned out whatever Jameson would've said, "it would help me if I knew exactly what happened to your wrist," She looked up at me with raised eyebrows. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jameson looking at me.

God, this is so hard. Of course I want to tell her, but, one: Jameson is here, and two: I can't tell anyone; I'd hurt Jameson's feelings for sure; he can't lose someone close to him—I know what that feels like, and it isn't nice. I wouldn't want anyone to go through the same ordeal unnecessarily.

"You know, it's not even that big of a deal." I lied. "I can't even remember exactly what happened, all I know is that I fell on it." Well, that wasn't a full lie, I did fall on it.

Dr Zerski nodded, her piercing eyes still evaluating the situation, then she looked at my bare arm. "What lesson do you have next?" She inquired and I glanced up at the clock above her head. Surprisingly, and very fortunate for me, I only had ten minutes left of Maths—I guess I got to the clinic late.

"I'll take her straight to her last lesson in the gym." Jameson spoke for me, his gravelly voice bouncing off the walls and smacking me in the eardrums. Dr Zerski nodded and I decided to slip my sleeve back on since I had PE next, meaning physical activities. Yay.

"Come back here at the end of the week and we will see how your wrist is doing, then we can think about taking that sleeve off for good." Dr Zerski smiled and I returned the favour, standing up and going to reach for my bag, only to find that Jameson already had it in hand and was standing at the door.

I wished Dr Zerski a good day and then followed Jameson out of the office, "I can carry my own bag," I told him as I stuck my hand out for my bag. Jameson rolled his eyes but gave me my bag nonetheless.

"I'm carrying your gym bag though." Jameson stated and I shook my head at his persistence as he took my locker key from where it laid in my palm. He unlocked my locker and took out my gym bag, handing me back my key after he had locked it.

On our way to the gym, however, the air became awkwardly thick as Jameson started an unwanted conversation. "Why don't you want to elaborate on what happened to your wrist?" He asked when we were walking through the cafeteria. I nearly bumped into someone in shock.

I bit my lip, as I walked a little behind him, but it appeared to help me; he couldn't see me as I lied. "Because I can't remember much." I told him simply.

"And that's a lie." The conversation ended there as I refused to respond or acknowledge his response—which, of course, surprised me; how did he know I was lying?

And, so, we made our way to the gym and, unsurprisingly, were the first people there. Jameson handed me my gym bag and we went our separate ways to change. Once changed in my workout clothes, consisting of some leggings, a sports bra and a loose fitting top, I sat down on the bench and waited for other people to arrive.

"Forest?" I looked up and around for the voice that called my last name. A girl in sports gear stood in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest, appearing to be waiting for me, so I stood up and displayed a friendly grin for her.

"I'm going to want you in the other gym hall, I need to test you on various different things so we can assess you–" I mentally groaned, "–seeing as you are new, correct?" I nodded and she held the door open for me.

"I'm Haylee Brookes, sports captain of our year." I nodded my head, trying my best to look impressed. Kill me now.

She guided me to the other gym, making small talk about my old school and sports. When we finally arrived, she pulled the door open for me and we both walked through. We were immediately greeted by a receptionist sitting at a desk, who was sifting through folders.

"Forest and Brookes for the initial assessment," Haylee told the lady, who had smiled up at us upon our entry, and she nodded in response, tapping away at the keyboard.

"That will be in hall six." The lady told us and Haylee instantly went speeding off.

"Thank you." I said respectfully to the lady and she smiled gratefully at me. I sighed before running after Haylee, worried that I'd lose her in the gym halls. She was standing by a door and, on my arrival, she opened it, beckoning me in.

I now faced a very big sports hall, the walls were plain white but the floor was green, and lined with different colours to section off the courts.

"Two laps warm up." She instructed and I raised my eyebrows but quickly threw my hair up into a ponytail. Then I hit the track and started my two laps.

When finished, I found myself to be very tired—I guess not having a long run for a while has finally caught up with me.

Haylee threw me a bottle of water and I chugged it down eagerly. Haylee then pulled out a clipboard and a stopwatch, "Now we begin."


Great ending I know haha I'm great #selflove

There was only a little smudge of #skyson, but who enjoyed it?

I very much do ship them #english

Ooh and some Sky and Avery action (#skavery?)

Sky is beginning to warm up the life in the academy wheyyy

I shall see you soon



Next update: Sundayy wheyyy

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