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The lights flashed a bit and two people walked across the stage, one sat down behind the drum kit and the other one stood near a microphone, IT WAS TYLER AND JOSH!
My heard was racing, I was so happy I was here and these were going to be the best moments of my life!
The music started and the first song was migraine, and it started quietly and slow but soon sped up a bit and every one was dancing and moshing, the next few songs were; Heavydirtysoul, house of gold and screen, in screen I shouted my favourite lyrics which are, "while your doing fine there are some people and I who have a really tough time getting through this life so excuse us while we sing to the sky" and I screamed them louder than the rest if the words in the song.
The next few songs were guns for hands, car radio, hometown, and tear in my heart, tear in my heart is my favourite song from blurryface and my favourite lyrics are;
"The songs on the radio anew okay but my taste of music is your face!" And in that moment Tyler laughed and for the rest of the song he sang to Josh, the next song was my second favourite song, Before You Start Your Day, and I sang all the lyrics and it was an amazing moment hearing the small bean singing about makeup.
In the middle of the concert Tyler was talking about how no one is alone in this world but none of us are the same, that's when Jøsh came up and whispered something to Tyler before he was handed the mic, he said "and I just really love Tyler Joseph" into the mic and the whole crowed screamed as he said it and returned to his drums.
The rest of the concert was great, but they still hadn't played my favourite song, Holding Onto You.
Tyler announced that they were now going to play the last song and a big piano was pushed into the stage, he sat down on the stool and pulled him self closer, I was kinda sad this was the last song already and they head my played my favourite song.
The introduction of the final song started and it was the song I knew best of all the twenty one pilots songs, it was HOLDING ONTO YOU! And I was so happy I got goosebumps and my eyes watered with happiness and I jumped higher than I'd ever jumped before and for that moment I felt like all my broken pieces were stuck back together. I wish I had a camera on my iPod to take a photo, but it was an old one so it didn't.
When they got the the bridge and sang "entertain my faith" I just cried with happiness, no one could ever know what it feels like to have a song that meant this much to you to be seen live.
The concert was soon ever and it went so quickly, before exiting the stage Tyler thanked us all and Josh backflipped off the piano and the lights went out.
People started clearing out of the mosh pit and I went to make my way to the meet and greet tent.
I waited in the line for about 15 minuets since I was quite close to the front of the line before it was my turn. I waited anxiously my heart pumping fast and I had butterfly's in my stomach.
It was finally my turn and I walked up to them trying not to do anything stupid like fall over since I was shaking and I was a really clumsy person.
"Hey!" Josh said with a smile,
"Hey," I said my eyes watering with happiness again.
"Are you okay? your shaking." Tyler asked.
"I'm fine, it's just overwhelming to be here today, and I had to sneak out and stuff to get here and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here." I say smiling, they both smiled back and pull me into a quick hug.
"Do you have anything we can sign for you?" Josh asked.
"Uh yeah, it's only a small poster." I said taking my crumpled poster out of my bag.
Josh signed it, as Tyler pulled his sharpie out a piece of paper fell out of his pocket, I picked it up and gave it back to him.
"Thank you," he said carefully putting it back in his pocket.
"What is it," Josh asked.
"A letter from my daughter." Tyler said quietly.
"Your daughters very lucky," I said to Tyler with a smile across my face.
"Actually, I haven't seen her for 13 years." Tyler said sighing.
"I'm sorry, did something happen," I ask quietly.
"I was too young apparently to keep her, and I wasn't in a good point of life, her name was Kay and she was put in a home round here and I get letters from her every month." He said as Josh nudged him to stop ranting,
"Sorry, I'm talking too much," Tyler said.
"It's okay. I was put in care when I was little round here too, my name is Kay too." I said thinking this was a bit strange and coincidental.
"Wait, just go stand over by that security guard over there," Tyler pointed at a security guard.
"We'll talk to you after we've seen everyone." Josh said smiling.
"Okay." I said nervously.
I was shaking and nervous standing next to the big security guard and lots of people stared at me standing quietly next to the guard.
What if Tyler was my real dad, and he'd been with me and helped me through this life even if we didn't know it.
I was daydreaming again and before I knew it all the meet and greets were over and Tyler and Josh came over and stood I front of me.
"Can you tell us about yourself more?" Tyler asked taking me backstage into his dressing room, we all sat down on the couches in the dressing room.
"So what were you saying about yourself?" Tyler asked leaning forward.
"Uh, umm." I said stuttering, and pretty screws also.
"It's okay, take it slow." Josh said butting his hand on my arm.
"Well, I'm Kay Smith, well, everyone where I lives surname is smith and I was put in the home when I was a baby or toddler, and I don't know my parents." I say quietly.
"Can you remember what you said in your last letter?" Tyler said getting the paper out of his pocket and looking at it.
"I said something about this concert and I'm okay physically but unsure mentally or something." I say quietly looking at the floor.
Josh and Tyler whispered a few words to eachother that I didn't hear and they turned back to me.
"We're going to take you back home an-" Tyler said before I cut him off saying, "it's not home it's just a building."
"Okay, well we were going to take you there and talk to the people who run the place, okay?" Tyler finished, I nodded and we all got up and went to the van and started driving back to the dump.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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