Chapt 10: Ticci Toby vs. Adam Night

Start from the beginning

"We are!" You and Noel said in unison.

Slendy nodded his head and walked off. Soon after, all the other campers started coming until all they were all here.

Slendy stepped into the middle of the arena.

"Hello everyone" he said loud enough for everyone to hear, "tonight, two of you will be fighting against each other, and I must tell you, killing is required."

You tensed up.

Splendy skipped over to Slendy and handed him his hat. Slendy then put some cards in the hat.

"I will pull out two names from this hat and the people I choose will be our fighters for tonight."

Slendy put his hand in the hat and began to dig around. You tensed up even more, Toby noticed. He took your hand in his.

"(Y/n), you need to calm down" Toby told you, "I asure you, you will not get chosen."

"(Y/n) (l/n)!!!" Slendy yelled out.

"Nevermind" Toby said.

Your heart sank. "Toby...!?!?"

"Hey! Nothing bad will happen!" Toby reasured you, "you've been training all day today! Just remember everything you learned today!"

"And hey, who knows..." Noel began, "you could be fighting against someone really weak!"

"The next camper is..." Slendy pulled out a card from the hat, "Adam Night!!!"

"Crap" You, Noel, and Toby said in unison.

Adam Night was Jeff The Killer's partner!

"Both of you, please come down!" Slendy called.

You and Adam both got up and walked down to the arena. You stood on the right side of Slendy and Adam stood on the left.

"Now, you two can choose if you want to kill each other or not" Slendy said, "but if you kill each other the person who is alive has a better chance at becoming a Creepypasta."

You looked over at Adam. "Heeeeey, why don't we not kill each other?"

Adam kept a straight face and didn't even look at you. "I'm going to become a Creepypasta, so I will kill you."

Your heart sank and your face turned pale.

"I only have one more rule to explain!" Slendy bellowed, "Your partner is not allowed to help at all, but you are allowed to cheer! No yelling out tips either! If you do, there will be severe punishments!"

Slendy leaned in a bit and spoke just to you and Adam. "Both of you walk over to your sides of the arena, I will tell you when to start."

You and Adam did as you were told and walked over to your sides. Slendy walked over the side of the arena and took his seat next to Splendorman.

"Are you two ready?!?!" Splendy yelled from his seat.

Adam nodded his head while you just looked at Toby with worried eyes. He nodded his head and gave you a thumbs up. You gave him a smile and looked back at Slendy before nodding you head.

"Alright then...ready...START!"

You drew your katana from it's sheath, charging Adam. Adam just sat there with his head down. He didn't even draw his weapon.

You were about to slash him, but that's when he took off. You couldn't even see him! You swiftly turned around, trying to find him, but that's when you felt a sharp pain in your side. You looked down at your waist to see it bleeding.

You yelped in pain and fell to one knee. Adam apeared in front of you. He now was holding a knife covered in blood...your blood.

"YEAH ADAM!!!" You slowly looked to the crowd to see Jeff The Killer cheering, "FINISH HER!!!"

You looked up at Adam, he held a straight face and began to raise his knife. All you could feel right now was fear.

"(Y/N) YOU GOT A GET UP!!!" You heard Toby yell from the stands.

You relized Toby was right. You had to get up, you just couldn't go down like this. You did the first thing that came to your mind, grabbing Adam's foot. You pulled it, and, just as planned, he fell to the floor.

Once he hit the ground, you quickly grabbed your sword and jumped on top of him. You held the sword to his neck, but Adam was going to go down this easily either.

Adam grabbed your arms and rolled you both over. Now he was on top of you. He swiftly stabbed your shoulder and moved it around once it was deep in your shoulder, Jeff sure taught him some pretty messed up stuff.

You let out an ear piercing scream. It hurt like hell! Adam continued to jab your shoulder over and over again, not going any where near your neck or heart. It was as if he was toying with you.

Toby, on the other hand, couldn't take it anymore. It would be a matter of seconds until Adam discided to kill you.

Toby jumped from his seat and quickly made his way towards the arena, he was not going to let you die. Though, he wasn't able to get there because Masky grabbed his wrist before he could jump the small wall to save you.

"Toby your insane!" Masky told him, "you can't help her!"

Toby tried to get out of Masky's grip. "YES I CAN!!!"

Toby made one final pull of his arm and he broke free. He quickly jumped the wall and ran towards you.

"TOBY WHAT YOUR DOING IS CRAZY!!!" Masky hollered.

Toby laughed. "Trust me...I know."

Before you knew it, Adam was knocked off you. The knife was still in your shoulder and you weren't really sure if you should take it out. You sat up and looked to your right to see Toby on top of Adam!

Toby was throwing punches at Adam face and Adam couldn't do anything about it. His knife was in your shoulder so he couldn't fight back and Toby couldn't feel any pain so he couldn't really knee him in the stomach to get Toby off of him.

You sat there in aw. Toby was saving you! Even though he would have to go through one of Slendy's punishments! You began to feel something in your chest. It wasn't a bad feeling, it was more of a warm feeling. Were you...falling for Toby?

Well who wouldn't!? He was cute, had a cute attitude, knew how to fight, funny! He was perfect! Once you relized this, heat began to rise to your cheeks.

Adam would have definitely died if Toby had kept doing what he was doing, but that didn't happen. Before Toby could make the final blows, a black tentacle wrapped itself around his body and raised him into the air. It was Slenderman.

Slendy brought Toby closer before he stepped out of the bleachers and began to walk off. He didn't say a word. Although, you could see that the tentacle wrapped around Toby was getting tighter.

"WAIT-" you called out, but got interupted by Slendy.

"The fight as been canceled" Slendy said, he did not sound happy, "everyone go back to their cabins!"

With that, you watched as Slendy walked off, with Toby with him.

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