Late Night School Special

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"We?" I lift my brows.

"Scott asked for everyone's help tonight." Isaac said.

"Great" I almost growled walking upstairs straight to get ready.


"The firepower is here." I said walking inside the guys locker room where Lydia, Scott, Liam and Hayden are. The four of them glanced at the four of us. 

"Firepower?" Hayden asked confused, there's when Amelia took out her gun with a smirk, "Oh." She looked at me, "You're a...?"

"Werewolf." I glowed my grey eyes, "And you?"

"I have no idea." She sighed.

I smirked, "Don't worry, we'll protect you." 

Those words lit up her mood a bit, she showed us a smile. "So all of you are werewolves?"

"Except her." Derek pointed at Amelia.

Hayden and Liam sat by a corner talking in low voice. We gathered with Scott and Lydia, I side eye the black dufel bag that's by a seat. "Tell me you have a plan B?" I asked Scott.

He shook his head, "Do you have any plan b ideas?"

"Yeah- I put a bullet between their eyes." Amelia replied on the background.

"Let's just try if this plan works first." Derek spoke, "Isaac go with Malia."

"Amelia?" I said

She hold her rifle over her shoulder, "On it." She said getting on top of the lockers, making her way on the ceilings. Is a good thing this locker room has some things over the ceiling where she can hid. 

I look up at her who's with her thumbs up, "If they try to catch you..."

"I know big sister, don't worry about me." She reply with a smirk and wink.

Derek's currently by the door, Lydia is near and Scott is sitting by the lockers, glancing at Hayden and Liam being cute puppies. I grinned, "Brings up memories right?" I sat down next to him, crossing my legs, glancing at the cute up to be couple. 

He scoffed softly, "Kind of."

'Where's Kira?" 

His eyes stayed on the floor, his shoulders also got tense. "She- She couldn't be here."

"Is because of what happened at Eichen House?" I asked.

Scott nod, "Is actually much more..." 

"Like what?" My brows furrowed.

"She's been acting weird... Not her, like.. I don't know." He mumbled.

I sighed, "If you speak clearer maybe I could understand... and maybe help." I look up to Derek who's looking at me, "I'm good at relationships advices."  

"Is not our relationship... Is her, she's changing- She got this aura around her."

"The fox?" I asked

He shook his head, "Is much bigger now and different. The other day she almost kills a guy, while saying something in Japanese."

"Like what?" 

He took his cellphone out, search on it for a second before playing an audio of Kira speaking in Japanese. I narrow my eyes at it, "Did Kira said that?"

"Yeah..." Scott nod, "What- Do you know what that means?"

"It means... I'm the messenger of death." I translate it for him, "Did you talk to her about it?"

Scott looked back down, "No... I don't even know if I can trust her."

"Hey," I snapped, gaining his look, "she's your girl and you should trust her. Maybe she doesn't even know what's happened to her and only needs help." I think he's processing my words since he kept silence and looked away. Standing up, I looked around, noticing there's no sarcastic comments anywhere. "Where's Stiles?" 

"He's with Theo at the animal clinic with... a body. They're gonna wait for the one who's taking the bodies." Lydia joined the circle.

I shook my head, "They're alone?"

"Yeah..." Lydia reply worried for Stiles obviously.

"I'll go with them," Derek said gaining my stare.

"Then I'll go with you." I added

He looked at me, "I'll be fine, you stay here and protect your sister."

"Don't worry I'll take care of her." Amelia replied from upstairs with a grin.

I kissed Derek before he left, then stood in silence having the feeling that something's coming and is not going to be a nice thing. Scott and Liam started arguing because Liam found the second part of the plan that makes Hayden the bate. Then Hayden had to take her pills and they're by her locker. Scott left, leaving Lydia and I by the door way waiting for him. 

"Did you heard that?" I asked her, staring at the hallway. 

Lydia glanced at me, "Hear what?

"That sound..." It's like someone is walking towards us, passing something through the lockers making a high pitch sound. "Katherine...." I heard a male voice say, instantly my gun was in front of me, protecting us. "Stay here." Starting walking across the hall, slowly following the sound. I don't know how but that person kicked my arm, making the gun fly across the hall. My entire body froze when I saw my father fighting me. 

"Miss me sweetheart?" He smirked kicking me in the stomach. I fought back till the point I was chained by the lockers, "Mhmm.." He clicked his tongue, "You still can't beat me." He took a blade and sliced my throat making me choke on my own blood. 

"KATHERINE!" Isaac's growl brought me back. 

I'm panting, shaking nervously staring at the lockers and holding my throat that's unharmed. "W-What happened?" 

"Guys!!!!" Lydia yelled from the locker room.

We ran to her finding the room empty, I looked up, "Amelia?! AMELIA?!" I yelled looking everywhere but she's not responding. "No. No, Amelia!!!!!?"

New Beginning | Teen WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz