I'm Back!

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Joseph POV

I woke this morning feeling for my queen and....she wasn't there. Causing me to sit up quickly and scope the room. No water running. I got out of bed and skipped the crutch walking out of the room and downstairs towards the chatter.

Once in the kitchen I saw most of the females in, but I was only looking for one and she was bent over in the fridge. Being the slick guy I am, I walked over behind her and....SMACK! Softly. She jumped up and spun quickly with her fist in the air heading towards my face. I stopped it.

"Babe calm down I was just looking for you..." I said and leaned down to her ear and whispered.

"You my darling are not making your punishment any easier on yourself." She shivered in my arms and I kissed her lips before pulling away and seeing everyone staring at us.

"What y'all ain't never seen a little foreplay? If y'all weren't here we would be spending our morning getting a little kinky." They made Ew noises and scrunched their faces. But Kyla and Mesha, just bust out laughing.

"So what y'all cooking this morning? I'm starving!" I exclaimed.

Kate POV

After breakfast and Joseph's sexual assault. I decided to go upstairs and get dressed. On my way up I see a woman about to knock on our door. She looked nothing like Joseph's relatives. She was taller than me, of course, and a head full of beach blonde hair. Big breast and the rest was sorta...flat. I would think she didn't have a thing on me except for the beauty mark on her face. Model type, but I was never intimidated.

I walked over and she looked at me and scowled. I had to stop and look around like....who Dafuq she looking at like that!?! Kate calm your hood. I continued over and stood in front of her.

"You are?" I questioned really curious as to how she knew Joseph and what she was doing here.

"That is none of your business, you've done a good job playing house with my Joe, but I've come back so you can take your brat and your shit and leave." She smirked. Ah hell Naw!

I glocked her in the nose with my right.

"Listen here lady and listen real Damn good....your 'Joe' loves me and I'll be damned if I'm leaving anytime soon. Another thing my daughter is far from a brat you bitch ass Barbie doll! You got one more gen to come at me like that and it's over! I won't be so nice! Bye bitch!" I whisper- yelled.

She was fuming and blood was leaking from her nose. She held tightly to her onto nose and winced. "This won't be the last you hear of me you whore! Just wait until Joseph sees me again he'll throw you to the trash where you belong!" And with that she stormed off. I just rolled my eyes and knocked on the door before walking in seeing Joseph in basketball shorts hanging low on his waist. No shirt and no socks showing off his pretty man toes! I bit my lip trying to hold off my arousal. He was just to Damn hot!

"Babe I wish you'd stop staring and come give me some sugar or something...." he trailed off wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled and walked over wrapping my arms around his waist while he copied. He kissed my lips and nuzzled his nose against mine.

"What you gonna do today?" He asked me.

"Hang out with you if you want. Unless you want me to spend the day with Kyla and Mesha shopping, clubbing, etcetera....." I trailed off.

"No, stay with me baby I need you.." he pouted giving me his puppy dog grey eyes and poked out bottom lip.

"Hmm ok baby I'll stay....only because I don't want you here with a she devil."

"What she devil? I thought only family was here?" He asked looking confused. Well someone else must've invited her because I Damn sho didn't.

"Some woman blonde hair, beauty mark, big breast, tall, tan, model looking actually. Except the broken nose."

"Wait she has a broken nose? Do I really have to ask how that happened?" He asked with a smirk.

I played with his scar, "No not really...it's her fault she called Kita a brat and told me to take her and my shit and go home so you and her can go back to whatever you had." I threw my hands in the air.

"Must've been my mother's idea. Her name's Angela and we dated in high school. She was a spoiled brat who thought she could have anything because her daddy was rich. She is also my mother's friend's daughter. They always said we would be together. No! I'm so happy with just you so don't worry about it." He pecked my lips.

"Oh I'm not trust me that nose is definitely gonna make a permanent spot on her face." He chuckled.

"Bad girl!"

"You like it!" I exclaimed.

"Damn right....now wifey wanna go on a date with me?" He smiled.

"Hmm sure....watcha wanna do? Got to out to eat then go see a movie?" I asked.

"You sure you don't wanna go fancy?" He asked.

"Heck naw! I don't like going to places I can't pronounce. And I have a great vocabulary, but seeing that stuff makes me feel a little stupid."

He chuckled, "Ti amo baby." He kissed me, about to walk away, but I kept him in place. He looked down into my eyes. I knew exactly what he said.

"I love you too." He smiled so hard and he broke loose grabbing his crutch going through the house shouting,"She Loves Me!" I laughed and followed my big goofy man. There was no more hiding what I felt. All I knew is that if this doesn't work out this I think I was done with men. And no I'm not going for women.

To be continued....
Thanks for reading luvs❤! I will be uploading the next chapter very very early since it's a continuation. By the Kate Upton is playing Angela.
Glocked: Punched
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