love is in the air

Start from the beginning

i walked over to lucy who was sitting on the sand and staring at her nails.

"hey lucy are you okay?" i asked worried. she was so excited to come here and the minute we arrived she became all depressed and broken.

"yeah im fine. its just a headache." she replied forcing a fake smile. i could see right through it, she was hurt, but what was hurting her was what i didnt know. i didnt wanna push her so i pulled her arm and we went swimming. i was glad to see her all happy again. but when we went back to where the guys where at she frowned. seriously what's up with her.

"im going to the tiolet" she said then she went in the tiolet's direction.

im really worried about her. what could it possibly be? suddenly i felt a pair of arms around my waist. i turned around to be met with adam's eyes.

"hi" i said blushing.

"hi" he replied grinning.

"adam leave her alone she's clearly uncomftable. go find another one night stand." zack said.

those words broke my heart. he didnt tell his best friend? he really doesnt want me.

"zack she's-" adam protest but i cut him off.

"no adam , dont." i said. my vioce cracking.

"no davina you're my mate. " he almost shouted.

i glanced at zack to see that he was annoyed and angry.

adam stood on a table and started screaming.


oh no. did he just do that. he got off the table and smashed his lips on mine. i kissed back. i was for once happy. this is what i wanted, what i needed. i heard cheering and clapping erupt from the crowd.

when we broke the kiss adam rested his forehead on mine.

"you're mine, only mine." he whispered.

i kissed him again and i loved it.

"awwwwe" i heard a squeal behind me. i broke the kiss and turned to see victoria hugging dylan while he seems discusted. victoria was video taping this. oh my god i hope she doesnt post this on facebook.

"okay turn that off." i said walking to victoria.

"never" she tried to act serious but bursted out laughing. i chaced after her to get the camera but i couldnt. she through it at dylan and he through it to kellie but adam caught it.

"now this is going to stay with me." he said while we were all laughing.

i realized that lucy and chace where no where in sight. after second thought, lucy hasn't returned from the tiolet. its been 15 minutes.

i walked to the direction of the tiolet and i heard her arguing with someone. it was chance.

"stay away from me. why dont you go to your girlfriend and make out with her." lucy said. she was furious and angry. i wonder what's that all about.

"lucy please i didnt know." he replied pleading.

"yeah that's why you kept making out with her when you knew i was there. " she firedback.

"lucy you're my mate. you cant do this." he said while looking broken.

"you knew i was your mate but you kept kissing that bitch. maybe i should find myself a boyfriend. " she said her vioce cracking. she tried walking away but he caught her and kissed her. she kissed back. she wanted him. awww this is so cute.

"what are tou doing you bitch. he's my boyfriend." kellie appeared from nowhere.

chace was out of words while lucy was disappionted. she looked at her hands while kellie kept on inulting her.

'defend yourself. i didnt make you my delta to be weak. he's yours not hers. show her whose the boss.' i mindlinked lucy.

she looked around and our eyes met. she smiled a thanking smile and nodded.

"listen you bitch. chance is my mate so back off and go find yourself another boy toy. " lucy said looking angry. that's my girl.

"as if he would choose you over me. you look like trash." she smirked. oh no she didnt.

lucy was about to say something when chance beat her to it.

"acually she's the most beautiful girl my eyes ever saw. so you repect her before i make you. and if you try to mess with her ill kill you without hesitating. " he said angrily while pulling lucy into his arms and kissing her.

lucy smiled in the smile. aww im so happy for her. they pulled back and he smiled at her.

"i , chace mason accept you lucy accola as my mate and future delta female." he said smiling at her. she hugged him and he spinned her around.

kellie huffed and walked away.

lucy looked at me and smiled , i winked at her and walked back to where the boys are at.

"where were you?" adam asked.

"just watching lucy and chace kiss." i said like it was the most random thing on earth.

"what?" he asked dumpfolded.

"they are mates." i said excitedly.

"at least she gave in quickly." he said playfully.

"shut up." he pulled me and kissed me. 

i think i fell inlove.

Regret Rejecting Me AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now