The begining

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Im going to tell you a story. Not a story thats totally cliche, predictable, and just drags on. Nope this story is about my life. Or as i like to call it, my battle.

This isn't a story thats just based on love, a virgin, or a first kiss. Its based on so much more. Its not like every other book where the girl meets the boy, the boy hates the girl, boy loves the girl, girl loves the boy, and then they live happily ever after. Its so much more different, and you can only see how different it is if you hear the whole thing. So ill start from the beginning.

The beginning:     
My name is Ashton Melinda Steele. Im 17 years old and suffer from depression. I also have a slight eating disorder which results to me being very tired, as my body lacks energy. I live with my auntie, my uncle, and my twin brother Brody. Im also very shy and can barely talk 2 words to someone. Well apart from my two close friends Annie and Tegan. I love them to bits and i would do anything for them.

So by reading my introduction to the story you would be able to tell that a) I suck at writing intros and b) my life isn't exactly what you would call perfect , but then again who's life actually is. Life isn't what it is in the movies. It isn't all sunshine, cupcakes, rainbows. In my eyes life is like a big black hole. Its testing me, seeing how long i can last until i reach my breaking point and the black hole takes over me.

Thats exactly what i think life is at the moment. My depression started during the summer holidays. Shortly after my sixteenth birthday. I was living with my Auntie, Uncle, and Brody my brother. I was a fairly happy person before i got stuck with a depressing side. I had imagination, dreams, goals, and a plan on what to do  with my life. What I'm trying to say is life didn't totally suck ass before, but nothing stays good forever.

After i turned sixteen i started to see the world differently. I expected all my dreams and wishes to come true. They never did. I would sit by the window for ages just staring out at the world and doing nothing more than that. I started to talk less and less each day. I stayed in my room reading the same books or listening to the same songs. I became self conscious of the things i did and wore so i stuck to wearing baggy clothes and not going out the house.

My brother Brody had no idea what was going on with me. He never really seemed to have the time for me. He was either at football practice, or with his mates. Brody was the complete opposite of me. Guys and girls in school always told me the difference between us when they found out we where twins. That he was well known, loved, the 'better looking' one. Hearing them say it just brought me down more.

Lucky for me not many people know that where twins. The people who actually cared where my two best friends. My only friends. Annie was the fun, Pretty, trustworthy friend. Tegan was the mature, kind, and girly friend. I loved them both, but at that stage i just stopped talking to them, i stopped hanging out with them. Its like i stopped being friends with them. They where super worried for me and didn't like seeing me in the state i was in. I didn't blame them for that i looked awful.

I spent my lunchtimes in the library, a big book covering my face. When they would try to approach me after lessons i would run. On weekends when my Auntie, Uncle, and brother where out they would come knock on my door and wait there for about half an hour.
I would never open the door for them. Its like i felt pain every time i tried to socialise with people.

Eventually my friends did find a way to get me to talk by using the guilt card. They would message me saying things like" if you where are real friend you would talk to us" and "talk to us where your best friends, where always here for you". I talked to them and i made a promise to them that i would never be that depressed again.

After 3 months i was back to normal. Same girl i was before. Then my life took another big downfall.

It was a normal school day, i was walking to my locker with Tegan. I was in my normal clothes. Baggy jumper and jeans. The only difference about my appearance now was that i needed glasses. I still hadn't gotten over my self consciousness, but it improved from before.

I reached my locker while laughing at something funny Tegan had said, when suddenly my locker slammed shut. My face turned to the side to see who it was. I was greeted by a blonde girl i had never seen before. Later i found out her name was Alicia Woods. She commanded that i switch lockers with her as she was stuck next to snot nosed sammy. He was basically the kid who always had a cold, or snot dribbling down his nose.

So like any person would do i said no. That was my mistake. From that day on she made my life hell. She started saying how fat i looked. Or that i was too ugly. My depression was starting to come back and it was worse then before. I even got a label in school because of it. My label was 'depressed girl'. It sucked being made fun of for my depression, i mean its not like i chose to be depressed.

I would get called names everyday. People would tell me how fat i was. So i did the only thing i thought i could do. I starved myself. I never ate at home, at school, i never even ate when i was around Annie and Tegan. Every time i went to the doctors they would say I'm weak and need to eat more. They would give me vitamins and shit i never bothered taking.

The school year finished. To say i was glad was an understand meant. I spend my summer holidays cooped inside my room in my bed, doing nothing. I turned 17 too, but that was nothing special to me. I went out with my friends a couple of times but apart from that i really did nothing. The holiday finished to soon for my liking, it was time to say hello to another school year. It was my senior year. The year everyone makes a big deal about. To me it meant nothing. Prom, Graduation, the yearbook, wasn't a big deal to me. Nothing was a big deal any more.

So this is my begging and yes i know, not the best beginning. I mean who would want to read about me. A sad depressed girl, but my life might actually surprise you later on. As they say "life is full of surprises"...

Hey people :)... This is the end of chapter 1. Sorry that its soo crap. My next one will be better. Please comment what you think or any improvements. Don't forget to vote :) ;) :)...

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