Life as the Akatsuki's Maid

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~Ch. 1: Normal day… Or not! ~

Well hello there readers~ I’ve decided to write a fanfiction because, quite frankly, I have nothing better to do with my time… well spare time at least. Being their maid keeps me pretty busy. So…. Here’s my story as Akatsuki’s maid! Every fangirl’s dream job indeed…~


Turning another familiar corner, I breathe out a frustrated sigh. Next is history, the last class before I’m free of this place that others may know as ‘school’. For me, the resident anime chick, it’s a long, lonely day wasted. Life is tough when no one understands anime. Let’s face it; anime is pretty important to me, so no one gets me.

There’s the sporty group, the preppy group, the computer nerd group, the smart group, the nice kids group, the very small emo group, and then there’s me. The only one who doesn’t belong anywhere.

As class drags on, I can’t help but let my mind wander. Being in history class and studying WWII, where else would it wander but Hetalia? A small grin plays on my lips just thinking about the characters and linking it to what my teacher is saying. Other ‘normal’ people have no idea what they’re missing.

Halfway through the class, my mind drifts again. Glancing out the window, I notice the gym class running around the track. Poor kids, being forced to run in this heat. One of the guys, I forget his name, is running faster than any of the others and is wearing green. A smile makes its way across my face when a certain youthful ninja crosses my mind, and then widens when he salutes the coach after running his laps.

I’m tugged back to reality when the teacher calls on me, and begrudgingly I answer her question in my usual bored tone. Happy that I was at least listening, she calls on another student to terrify them with her ridiculous questions. Turning to my notes page, I start to doodle, soon there is an eye staring straight at me, then 2 eyes, then a nose, a mouth, some hair, and after a few minutes the entire face is looking at me with an unreadable expression. I think it looks like Sasori, so I write his name in kanji under the drawing with a sigh.

Glancing at the clock, I lean forward in anticipation. Just a few more seconds… Yes! Shooting up from my seat, I’m out the door before the teacher can even blink. Almost running to my locker, I weave between the slow people and mentally cuss at the couple making out on my locker. With a cough, I glare at them. They continue, despite me standing there so I sigh and just shove then to the side. I don’t think they even noticed their new position and continue, oblivious to the world around them.

Grabbing my sketch book and French binder, I have everything that I’ll need so I shove them into my bag and slam my locker shut. Walking to the bus, I shove my ear buds in and let the music take its infectious grip an me and curl up in my seat, feeling happier the further we get from the school. Closing my eyes, the only thing I’m aware of is the music. I forget about my worries and ignore the idiots sticking their heads out the window making silly faces to their friends.

All too soon for me, the bus pulls to my stop and I scamper off. Walking up the drive to my house, I muse over what my life would be like without anime. Boring, that’s for sure… but it would be ‘normal’. Who knows, I could have a big group of friends and maybe even a boyfriend. With a smirk, I shake the thought from my mind. Anime guys are way better than real boys any day, so I think I’ll stick with them.

Closing the door with a click, I barely have time to brace myself for the black blur speeding towards me, “ Sasuke!” I laugh as he jumps on me and licks my face happily. Yes, I have a black dog with black eyes named Sasuke. My parents are never around, so I basically live alone with him. Mom is too busy to care about me and my Dad… well I’ve never even met him, so I couldn’t care less.

Shoving him off gently, he proceeds to walk behind me as I drop my bag in my room and go straight to the kitchen. “What should I make today, boy?” Glancing at him, he just stares back with a silly grin on his muzzle. “Maybe I should have named you Naruto…” I say with a chuckle. Sasuke barks and starts chasing his tail happily.

“Hm… Naruto… that’s it!” I walk to my trusty cookbooks and find a recipe for ramen. “This sounds good, right Sasuke?” he just keeps chasing his tail, oblivious to the world and I roll my eyes, “Knuckle head…”

I proceed to make some ramen for my dinner and Sasuke remains oblivious to everything. While it’s cooking I grab my sketchbook and start drawing Itachi. About an hour later, a very detailed face is staring back at me with sharingan’s flashing. With a smile, I stand and return to my ramen, giving it a quick stir before grabbing a bowl and dishing some out. As I eat and ignore Sasuke who is begging to have some, I critique my own drawing. The hair should be a bit darker; his face needs more mystery behind it, and the shading is a bit off. But all in all, it’s a pretty good drawing.

After washing all the dishes and putting them away, I return to my room with Sasuke on my heels. Jumping into bed, I stare at the ceiling. I know as well as Sasuke that I won’t get any sleep tonight. It’s one of the setbacks of being an insomniac. I sigh and close my eyes, set on at least getting some rest.

About 2 hours later, there’s a crash from the kitchen and I hear someone cussing. Quickly, I jump up and grab the katana I keep oven my bed and stand with Sasuke growling next to me. Carefully opening the door, I tiptoe down the hall and pause in the doorway, staring at the figures before me. Rubbing my eyes, I just stand there, “I must be hallucinating…” Well, that’s what I think until a kunai lands in the wall a few millimeters from my face and I’m staring into purple rinnagan eyes.

“Who are you?” demands the man before me.

Normally, I’m not a sassy person, but you would be too if some cosplayers randomly show up in your house! “It is customary to give your own name before questioning that of another. Beside, you’re in my house.”

I swear I just saw this guys eye twitch, “I am Pein, leader of the Akatsuki. Why are you not sniveling in fear?”

I blink and just stare at this guy. Was he crazy, or is he actually the real… nope, no way, not possible. “I’m Riri, and I’m not going to bow in front of some guy wearing an awesome outfit,” I roll my eyes and turn, dead-set on going back to my room, but clearly, this guy has other plans.

The other silver-haired, jashinest figure starts laughing,  “Damn b*tch, I wouldn’t have done that sh*t if I were you!”

Pein grabs my arm and holds it tightly, “You’re coming with us.” Before I can say anything else, Sasuke barks and lunges for the two, but we’re all engulfed in a greenish light and we disappear.

|\/| END |\/|

Well I hope all you guys liked it! And yes, I really do make those references during my history class. It’s very amusing and the only way I stay ‘sane’. Please comment and vote~ Love ya!

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