Dissolving Poison Part 5

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We arrived at the hospital and we were ready for anything. We went to the front entrance and were greeted by one of the doctors.

“Hello. I am Doctor Maverick. I do believe you are the people we asked for. Correct?” Maverick asked.

“Yes, we are the vampire hunters that have come to look at this situation.” I said.

“The peeps are going crazy and you want us to figure out why.” Cyanide said.

“Yes. That is correct” said Maverick.

We walked down to the patients and didn’t see anything wrong with them.

“Hey doc?” I said.

“Yes?” he said.

“The patients seem fine.” I said.

“The patients aren’t always berserk. It is strange as they only become enraged at 11:00 am precisely.” said Maverick.

“Why 11:00?” asked Shirley.

“We don’t know.” He said.

I checked my pocket watch. 10:55 am. We just had to wait. Five minutes later it happened. One of the patients started to spaz out, exactly at 11:00 am. They did not go insane at the same time, it was one by one.

“Where am I!?! Give me the light! Don’t tell me I am insane! I am saane!” the patient screamed.

Then after that he calmed down. Exactly at 11:01 another patient went crazy.

“Hey! You guys are funny! Very VERY funny!” he yelled.

Each patient went insane exactly one minute apart. Another at 11:02, another at 11:03. Each one went crazy. The last one went insane at 11:11 am. He didn’t spaz like the others. He just stayed calm and said.

“Fear the statue. Fear the statue. Fear the statue.”

I was officially creeped out. Why did the last one say the same phrase that was unsettling even though we didn’t know what it meant?

“Every patient says something completely different each day. Except the last one. The last patient always says fear the statue.” Maverick said.

“Why does this happen?” asked Cyanide.

“If I knew I would not have called you now would I?” said Maverick.

“I don’t have much of a plan, but I say that we just wait here for a while and see if anything important changes.” I said.

“Do you mind if we stay a while?” I asked.

“If it means solving this weird event then not at all.” said Maverick.

Shirley went and got her computer. She had this special thing that would let her see any signs of abnormality. We stayed for a while. Just waiting and waiting. Every day at exactly 11:00 am the patients would go insane and the last patient would say fear the statue. We were getting impatient and were not seeing anything different.

It had been 6 days since we started this mission. Every time Shirley scanned for abnormality she only found an abnormality level of 2.5 which was not very high. Every single day the abnormality signal was 2.5 exactly. Then there was the 7th day we were there. It was not the same. When Shirley scanned the area at 11:00 the abnormality signal was spiked to 9.9 which was the highest I had ever seen in my whole life.

“9.9?!!” yelled Shirley.

But the weirdest part was that nothing was happening. At least nothing for a minute. After a minute of nothing all the patients chanted.

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